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  • Stuff I'd like to see in battles...

    10. 31. 2005 17:29

I'd like to see more smoke. being able to intentionally toggle it on so you can screen
your team, hide in it, that sort of thing.

Wreckage. Not all ships just sink. Some capsize, etc... I think collision damage should
be incorporated, including collisions with wreckage. (maybe make this damage directly
associated with speed, angle of collision, and bulkhead armor?)

and the last thing, I'd like to see some sort of in-game reward system put in place...
like when the Flagship sinks, a crate appears that will give the player that picks it up
(on the opposing side) a credit bonus (can it be made that you can only see crates of
ships you sink until you yourself are sunk?)... or if the opposing team recovers it that
ship becomes flag.

Other bonuses could be in the crates, instant repair, instant reload, exp bonus, credit or
point bonus... I think it would change things up nicely.

Maybe even... access to a bonus mission???


  • Re : Stuff I'd like to see in battles...

    11. 02. 2005 12:06

i really like the wreckage idea, however i want to add to it

if wreckage is floating in the water, make it so if you collide with it it damages your

you would have to calcuate how long it would take a ship to sink based on how fast
damage was taken, and how much was left when it was destroyed

example: it a DD was hit by 2 torps at 2k dp, it would blow up and sink, if a BB was
hit by 2 torps at 2k dp, and ended up burning (still fix burning so it gives tac points),
it would more likly list to one side, making it unusable, but still afloat, have it slowly
slip beneath the waves

  • Re : Stuff I'd like to see in battles...

    11. 02. 2005 11:13

Heh, collisions would only lead to Speed whores turning into Collision whores.


  • Re : Stuff I'd like to see in battles...

    11. 02. 2005 01:19

i have always wanted to see collisions with hostiles. friendlys would be able to pass
through each other but enemies would colide with each other. no chaos at battle
beginnings but still a last ditch effort when you run out of ammo :-)

  • Re : Stuff I'd like to see in battles...

    11. 02. 2005 01:07

Like i said... highest level... i didnt mean ship i meant BO... Sorry lol, i figured it
was obveous but apparently i was wrong

  • Re : Stuff I'd like to see in battles...

    11. 01. 2005 15:58

How about only Collisions with enemies..... since the big worry is at the start of the would stop a$$ humpers too!

  • Re : Stuff I'd like to see in battles...

    11. 01. 2005 15:48

Flag is not the highest level ship, I see lots of Flag FFs. - its highest BO... the number
of stripes you have is based on your highest sailor.

  • Re : Stuff I'd like to see in battles...

    11. 01. 2005 00:17

Stuff i'd like to see.... No more damn bugs!!! lol... The smoke i think is a good idea...
most of that other stuff is garbage =p... Collision damage would further complecate the
games, flagship is highest level ship in the room so not random... which means u sink the
flag u sink the best ship/most experienced player in the team. Capsizes would be good as
well, but like i said no collisions

  • Re : Stuff I'd like to see in battles...

    11. 01. 2005 00:14

sort of good idea.... but i would recommend since it's in the middle of the oceans
that they will become obstacles only for a short time then they sink

  • Re : Stuff I'd like to see in battles...

    11. 01. 2005 00:10

dude.. they once had a version that when ships hit each other they will collide and sink..
it was total chaos....

  • Re : Stuff I'd like to see in battles...

    10. 31. 2005 23:56

i like the idea of the capsized ships being obsticles, but the crates, im not so sure
because some people might abuse the crates sooner or later.

as for the smoke, you might have to take account of players with computers that barely
runs NF, cause the clouds are enough to worry about too
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