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  • Opinions about the Current Cinema Movies

    05. 30. 2006 03:38

I was in "Silent Hill" at Saturday and it was amazing... watched it 11pm.
So i was dreaming how Anna got his skin rippd of, dam n... she was not ugly.
That Movie is really cool and you all should watch it but pls at the latest moment!

So i was wondering if i should watch:
- X-Men III
- Mission Impossible: 3
- The Da Vinci Code - Sakrileg
- The Omen

What are your Opinions about these Movies are they worth the Money?

  • Re : Opinions about the Current Cinema Movies

    05. 30. 2006 04:11

Da Vinci Code.... sucks big time 2/10

MI3... pretty good as expected.... 7/10

  • Re : Opinions about the Current Cinema Movies

    05. 30. 2006 03:42

X men is probly gonna be bad unless u like a buncha mutants going at eachother
with their little special fx. 1st two were good tho, so still gotta check it out.
Mission impossible, Im the only one who said this movie would suck major (but I
didnt like 2nd one either) so id say no.
Da vinci code, very enjoyable reccomended.
The omen...not my type of movie...sounds prety a lot of advertising....cant
say id go see it.