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  • How about multiple waypoints?

    11. 02. 2005 12:06

Is it possible to implement more then one waypoint so you can set a course with more then
1 turn?

Like if you click on the map while pressing control, you could add to a ships route so you
could plan in advance your movement (pre-plot), and just then have to adjust your guns
along the way?

This would allow you to set like a zig zag pattern, or a box or an S.

Clicking w/o the control would just set a normal waypoint, clearing previous waypoints.

It could be very usefull for the stratigist.


  • Re : How about multiple waypoints?

    11. 02. 2005 15:16

I agree. I thought that myself. Especially in combat, it would make it nice to better
predict your path.