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  • Archer

    06. 24. 2006 19:42

Archer, in no way shape or form am I critisizing you for your actions on my previous
thread, although an explination would be appreciated. Janes Fleet Command, is a
modern-day simulator. The game is dead, the website is dead, and there forums are
dead. Its a neat game (that you cant buy anymore) and I would liek to share
I am not sure of you knew all these details or not, but with this out in the open, may
I post the pics?
If so, thanks!
If not, no big deal, I wont post and the situation is dropped, and forgotten.

  • Re : Archer

    06. 25. 2006 11:27

"I hope this clears up any confusion"

Sure does. Thanks for all the replies, and thank you for clearing that up! I deleted
my thread.

  • Re : Archer

    06. 25. 2006 10:59


You are correct that the forum rules are posted in the 'general discussion' section.
However, this is NOT because they only apply to that area, but rather because the general
discussion area recieves the most traffic and the rules are most visible when placed there.

To be clear; The forum rules apply to ALL areas of the forums WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

Notice that the post is titled, "Forum Rules - Read and Be Aware" and it is not called,
"General Discussion rules" or "Rules for this area".

The term 'forum' applies to the entire section of where users may
transmit and post content for others to read or see. This includes but is not limited to
all areas of the discussion boards, the 'Events' area, 'Contact Support' area, and other
similar or future areas.

I hope this clears up any confusion,

  • Re : Archer

    06. 25. 2006 10:42

"the rules listed in general discussion apply to all areas"

Where is this stated? I have not seen that anywhere except for when you just typed
it. Maby I am missing it somewhere if so I apologize. If not, then its too late to be

  • Re : Archer

    06. 25. 2006 08:38

god, why aren't we allowed to do forum games? just something to do in forums and
i thought we didn't get any points or exp in off topic anyway?

The Real Rules as shown from GD forum
1. Use the Search function, be as broad as possible in your search. It may seem you
are the only one with this problem. Most likely the question has been
answered/thread has
been started several times already.
Please do NOT make duplicate posts for the same issue.

2. When posting a New Topic (after searching!) be as descriptive in your Subject line
as you can, use words in the error message, or defining features of the bug.

3. There is NO FLAMING OF ANY SORT in this forum area. I understand having
problems with NF is stressful, and can be upsetting!! Please remember that we are a
community of players and Insults or Ridicule serves no one. People have differing
opinions, and that is okay, heated discussions are fine, when insults start the thread
ends. This includes insulting players, mods, TeamNF, ETC.

4. If you swear, are rude, racist, are suspected of posting for points (IE spam), or are
being unhelpful your post WILL BE EDITED/DELETED.

5. We understand your entertainment options are varied and we are thankful that
you have
decided for NavyField to be a part of your Entertainment choices, please refrain from
discussing other videogames you play.

6. If you have been made aware of an exploit, cheater, would like to report: hacking,
AB-ing, TKing, ETC... These reports are to be e-mailed to either a moderator (see E-
list) or to TeamNF ([email protected]).

7. We understand that from time to time some players may have complaints about
moderation, features, etc. The most effective way for your concerns to be heard is
here on the forums. Please e-mail your complaints to either a Moderator (head mod
GreenGlade for Moderation complaints) or to TeamNF ([email protected]) and
your issue
will be heard directly, and quickly.

8. Posts of a Religous, Political, or posts intended (or accidently) to spark a fight will
be removed immediately.

9. Please be aware we have diffrent forum Sections, we ask that you use these, If
we find
that your post better fits into a diffrent area, we will move it, please check in other
areas before asuming your post has been deleted.

IF these rules are violated, the offending post may be edited, deleted, the thread
or your forum rights may be removed. If you feel a post violates
these rules please politely bring the offending posts to the attention of a moderator.
Thank you for your help. If we all work together we can further increase the
of our forums, and thereby increase our numbers, and our enjoyment.

  • Re : Archer

    06. 25. 2006 08:02

Even if they do apply, surely he has not broken any of them.

So what in gods name is this about

  • Re : Archer

    06. 25. 2006 07:43

Actually the rules listed in general discussion apply to all areas, all you have shown
is the additional rules for the off topic area.

If there is any confusion, we can add to the general discussion rule list, but those
listed in General discussion apply to all areas.

  • Re : Archer

    06. 25. 2006 06:53


Boomer wins.

  • Re : Archer

    06. 25. 2006 06:14

"I am sure that you have already read the forum rules located in general discussion"

With all due respect Archer, the forum rules in general discussion are irrelevant. This
is not general discission this is off topic. Let me copy and paste the rules from off
"1: DO NOT SPAM OR FLOOD THE FORUM (its not spam)
Anyone caught doing so (posting multiple topics at once/posting the same topic) will
be instantly suspended from the forum & may be suspended/banned from the game.

Because this is an Off-Topic section, there may already be a topic about what you
are about to post. We know posting is easier than searching, but please try to help.

3: DO NOT TROLL THE FORUM (its not trolling)
Trolling the forum is the same as flaming, making fun of, disrespecting or abusing a
person or player in the forum, doing any of the above may get you suspended from
the forum.

If you have to swear, insert censors in every letter or dont say anything at all.

5. DO NOT POST INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT (its is not sexual, illegal, or otherwise
offensive material)
All posts containing "inappropriate content" (i.e. sexual, illegal, or otherwise
offensive material) will be locked/deleted without warning and forum suspensions
may be given out to the offenders.

discuss this)
Topics like "1 word stories", "Who will post last", or forum "games" of any kind will
be considered spam as defined in rule #1, offenses committed will be punished
according to severity, starting with warnings, forum suspensions to game bans."
There is no rule in there that I am breaking, unless I am missing something. Could
youplease explain? Thanks!

  • Re : Archer

    06. 24. 2006 21:56


I am sure that you have already read the forum rules located in general discussion but I
realize that they may be hard to keep track of, so please go back and re-read rule number 5.

Also, please keep in mind that forum rules don't have time limits. Just because I do not
reply in 20 minutes does not give you the OK you to create a new thread of the exact same
content of your previous locked thread.

I'm sorry if there was any confusion; please be aware of all the forum rules so that no
future threads need to be locked or deleted :)


  • Re : Archer

    06. 24. 2006 20:05

I have waited about 20 minutes, in about 5 more minutes I will post due to no reply.
If it is aginst the rules, I will delete without a seconds hesitation.

Pics are up
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