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  • How about fixing the accidental retreating?

    11. 02. 2005 13:33

Sometimes I inadvertently get close to the border of the map and my ship turns too slowly
to let me get back to the field in time. Then I end up being considered a dirty cowardly
retreater. I don't know how to fix this, but it is annoying. Questions or comments?

  • Re : How about fixing the accidental retreating?

    11. 02. 2005 15:57

Yes, if this is done. Make it so that it appears you have ran aground.. don't let it work like it
currenly does, if you happen to make it back around in time. All the while turning, your shooting
someone that can't shoot back. If you make it to where it appears you run aground, both
players will still be able to fire upon the other. No disadvantage there, just your mistake for not
paying attention to the end of the board, so you run aground if you choose to stay.

  • Re : How about fixing the accidental retreating?

    11. 02. 2005 15:54

Happens to me all the time, reccomended.

  • Re : How about fixing the accidental retreating?

    11. 02. 2005 15:45

some ppl force u to the end of the maps then when u turn around they torp u. it
haappppend 2 me so i think they should take the "reach the border and reatreat
function out"

  • Re : How about fixing the accidental retreating?

    11. 02. 2005 15:44

I fully approve that! It happend to me sometimes in a heavy struggle when i was
too focused upon my enemy and could not turn back fast enough!

  • Re : How about fixing the accidental retreating?

    11. 02. 2005 15:35

it does happen to me. how bout when you hit the border it asks you if you want you
leave and if you click no it like you ran aground and you have to back up

  • Re : How about fixing the accidental retreating?

    11. 02. 2005 14:18

Yeah... don't sail off the map if you don't want to retreat!

I wouldn't think this would be an issue for most people.