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  • Remove the useless jap ships

    11. 02. 2005 17:38

Ok here are some jap ships that should be removed because they either suck too bad or it
isn't worth the time and effort to grind to them:

-Mogami CA
-Entire Junyo line

This list if u didn't notice includes all jap CAs, half the CL gunships and half of the
carriers. Its sure a shame that beyond the DD level, half the ships are practically unusable.

  • Re : Remove the useless jap ships

    11. 03. 2005 03:52

Kongo i think is a pretty good ship ur just not a good NF player...saying mog isnt a
good ship....i think its time to throw in the towel

  • Re : Remove the useless jap ships

    11. 03. 2005 01:08

Just TNF need to do what I posted on old forum. Merge both lines of IJN DDs, merge both
lines of CVs, place Fuso few lvl before Ise so you can use both ships from one BO. I not
mention that all IJN ships need to be upgraded - e.g. Mogami(CL/CA) and Myoko should have
4 T slots more, IJN cruisers have 4 AA slots & 4 TT slots, why all have only 4 here? Why T
slots are so small on bigger ships - till Yamato you can barely fit AA gun with some ammo?

I always said that whole tree structure is flawed for all nations. You should have two BOs
/ nation one for gunships, one for cvs, the end. Now for IJN, 1 torp BO, but he end @
gunline anyway, 1 gunline BO, 2 CV BO to try every ship. Most BOs need USN tree to try all
ships you need 5. Plainly stupid. And this never ending grind. More ships in line more
fun! Please understand this Dear TNF.

  • Re : Remove the useless jap ships

    11. 02. 2005 23:12

The CV line would be fun...if we didn't have to stay in a Mogami the whole time.

  • Re : Remove the useless jap ships

    11. 02. 2005 22:40

Ok I was being sarcastic in this post let me make that clear. My point is that half the
japanese ships above the DD level are straght out bad eggs, in some cases spanning an
entire class of ships like with the CLs.

I just don't think its right for it to be this way. Sure the fubuki is fun and great when
when you start out, but the entire japan line shouldn't be the "you used torps so now
we're punishing you," line. Thats sure what it feels like once u reach around level 45-51
and want to try a CA. The jap CAs have no advantages and many disadvantages so they are
doomed to get cobwebs and mothballs. Since noone in their right mind would use either CA
as their primary ship for long, they are financial landmines for those who try them out.
As for the CV line, they are great CVs but almost not even worth the hellish grind when
you could just get a Ryujo before the Junyo. I haven't given up on my Junyo just yet, but
now that I realized how poor the Mogi CA is the grind compounded for me.

  • Re : Remove the useless jap ships

    11. 02. 2005 18:59

In fact several lines of ships exist that irrational or are not used.

For example the successful Z99 with respect to almost not used type "L" british. In
the Japanese line the Fubuki was rage until they appeared new ships. Something
happens with the CV, but I do not see because eliminate those lines of ships.

On the contrary is necesary to add others news.


  • Re : Remove the useless jap ships

    11. 02. 2005 18:21

The Junyo line is not bad, it is just a horrible grind to use.

  • Re : Remove the useless jap ships

    11. 02. 2005 17:42

i have a better idea, let the jap shiptree be like this:

kagero>fubuki>kitakami or akagi or yamato