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  • How about letting us see full content

    11. 02. 2005 20:11

Why not release the full content so we can test it as well. It would be nice to see
what we have to look forward to and to test it live.

Another thing is, why not have a button to sell off all equipment and armor off of
your boat with one click instead of having to sell all items individually.

Last. PLEASE PLEASE ELIMINATE ALL of item 9. The loss on engines and guns is just
plain stupid. Everyone likes to experiment with different configurations and such.
This is just stagnenting those test and experiments.


  • Re : How about letting us see full content

    11. 02. 2005 21:21

lol @ tyson...
i agree completely - why show us all the problems now, instead of dropping them on our
heads when some of us are paying every month like good hardcore fans?

Instead, no, it's "in development" and it won't be "ready" until we pay, and then it will
be even buggier than it is now - at least we've been able to explore the version we have

  • Re : How about letting us see full content

    11. 02. 2005 20:56

no they are scared to release it now because if it is released now people will finaly
see the true power of the bugs crashes and all that good stuff so they wait till we
pay then they show us the goods

  • Re : How about letting us see full content

    11. 02. 2005 20:39

"Another thing is, why not have a button to sell off all equipment and armor off of
your boat with one click instead of having to sell all items individually. "

u dont have to, jus click sell and it sells that stuff and ur ship