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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Trips 6.1" or Dual 7.9 for MOG

    11. 03. 2005 03:47

Which one of those is better....the trips have alot more range but the dual does alot
more damage....which ones do i choose ....some one plzzz help

  • Re : Trips 6.1

    11. 03. 2005 16:26

The reason most peeps are saying 7.9 are that if you are in a Mog you should be
playing CL or CL/CA games for best cash and XP. In these games the 7.9 are
ALWAYS your bets option....unless you can get the 8" Ds. If you wanted to get a DD
killer for a CL you should have gone UK or USA.

  • Re : Trips 6.1

    11. 03. 2005 15:53

Truth is...a lot of people will be like "OMGWTFBBQ why are you using 6.1"s on a mogami
noob roffles" but they're stupid, don't listen to them. triple 6.1"s are good guns against
dd's and lightly armored cl's, much moreso than the 7.9"s, but you'll have a HUGE problem
when you come across a decently armored CL. Edins will be your worst nightmare if you use
6.1"s. I used them for a while and the range is actually better or about the same as the
7.9s you can fit on the mogami, the reload time is faster, and the spread is tighter
too(besides the fact you have 5 extra barrels). You can dish out much more damage per
second to DD's and absolutely demolish them if they get close. Unfortunately, if you come
across a well armored edin you'll be hitting for about 40 dmg or less meaning you're
screwed. It really comes to a personal choice, the 6.1"s are incredible anti-dd/low
armored cl guns, the 7.9"s are excellent anti-cl/ca but can get you in trouble against
quick charging dd's with the slow reload and wider spread. I would personally still
suggest the 7.9's and just play smart so hopefully dd's can't rush you. (I hate
z99's...damn 6.75's almost do the same damage to my non-existent armor as my 7.9's do to
them...and I'm a huge easy target...yay for balance!)

  • Re : Trips 6.1

    11. 03. 2005 13:56


  • Re : Trips 6.1

    11. 03. 2005 13:07

8" E Ds FTW :)

  • Re : Trips 6.1

    11. 03. 2005 10:50

6.1 trip for opconvoy

7.9" for the rest

  • Re : Trips 6.1

    11. 03. 2005 07:36

I love 6.1". You can semi-HA opponent, but the sad truth is you must use 7.9 B or C
becuse you'll be owned by any1. Later when you reach Myoko you can fit 6.1" with a
lot more of ammo and kill dds with 6.1"D (3.9 sec rld) in a Op.C. or in a CL/CA vs DDs,
but for other games you must use 7.9". There is no other option.

7.9" can hit for ~500 dmg/shell and with critical hit even 1200 dmg (I did that in
mission whoring).
6.1" can hit for ~250 dmg/shell and the best ability to hit something hard you have @
55 degree when you can pound opponent even for ~400 dmg/shell. But as I said
truth is you need 7.9", 6.1" can only be useful against FFs, DDs and unarmored CLs.
From others target your shells will just bounce for 0-30 dmg.