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Royal Navy


  • Soft Defense (York)

    11. 03. 2005 13:34

I got a York recently, crew as follows:

Acc Heavy Gunner lvl 43 169 exp / 26 vets
Acc Heavy Gunner lvl 43 165 exp / 0 vets (very bad luck with this guy)
BO lvl 43 166 exp / 32 vets
2nd Repair lvl 39 100 exp / 10 vets
2nd Restore lvl 35 137 exp / 10 vets
2nd Restore lvl 32 121 exp / 0 vets
2nd AA lvl 27 8 exp / 10 vets (this guy never gets experts, and the
vets are from when he was like level 15)

I also have a 20th level pilot in training and a 15th level repairer.

My soft D rating is 70, yet I saw someone on the forums here had a level 45 York
crew and his SD was 140.

Am I doing something horribly wrong? I don't really mission whore, because its so
damn boring, but is it THAT important to your crew that it doubles your SD? What
kind of SD do other York users out there have? (around my level)

Any help is appreciated, thanks.

  • Re : Soft Defense (York)

    11. 05. 2005 07:17

Well I advise you to get in sirius and go in dd cl rooms!! Reason for this is that games
are quicker,you will do better(reload,accuracy) and you will gain more experts/vets and
oh i forgot you will also KILL MORE!!!!!

  • Re : Soft Defense (York)

    11. 05. 2005 03:21

I'd only run about half experts... convert often... vets are more important to get than experts
at ur level.

it makes it harder in the short run but much better in the long run

  • Re : Soft Defense (York)

    11. 04. 2005 12:05

Some notes on Experts and Brits and Well this post in general.

1 Dont worry about it right now, your suppourt isnt at level 40+, so they arent REALLY
"york level" yet.

2. your SD will increase as you go up in levels, experts and vets.

3. Play missions if you'd like you will gain experts randomly depending on how may
recurits you have.

4. Play games, no matter how you do, as long as you do some dammage, you have the chance
to gain experts randomly. So, play,play,play... It does seem though the chances are much
higher in normal battles as opposed to OP CON.

5. Don't focus on leveling up as quickly as possible, the slower you go the more experts
you gain, the more experts the better your sailors.

Hope this helps.


  • Re : Soft Defense (York)

    11. 04. 2005 11:29

Which is exactly what I was asking but instead of simply saying that, you chose to
assume I was an armor whore and say my crew sucked.

  • Re : Soft Defense (York)

    11. 04. 2005 09:33

..And your point? You can't expect an SD over 100 until at least level 50 if your ship
does not have (CA level) at least 6 support onboard.

  • Re : Soft Defense (York)

    11. 04. 2005 09:12

thanks for assuming, asshat. I didn't armor whore, I've kept my crews full at all
times. If my crew was getting too big, I'd take armor off to make room for them.

You know, the more I read the forums, the more I realize you really are a total
asshole to everyone around here.

  • Re : Soft Defense (York)

    11. 04. 2005 09:10

What's wrong is that you armour whored and therefore your crew suck. Sorry to
break it to you, but you NEED to mission whore. Don't worry, obst did it for 3 days

  • Re : Soft Defense (York)

    11. 04. 2005 08:50

When I first got York, I had 2 repair/2 restore. My SD was about 100.
Your supports just need more levels.

  • Re : Soft Defense (York)

    11. 04. 2005 01:44

I suggest to use Dido playing mission and battle in this moment in order to gain
more vert and experts.

After gaining the following requirements, you will preform very well.

a. Acc. Gunner lvl 55 or above with 80+ verts and full experts
b. 1st Engineer/1st repairor/1st restorer/piolot lvl 55 or above with 50+ verts and
full experts.
c. You will probably has 450 SD.

  • Re : Soft Defense (York)

    11. 03. 2005 21:51

I have to say that soft defense is important for the York due to the lack of armour
that you can put on the ship, that was once of the main reasons why I remodelled
to the Surrey (the other was bad spread) when it became available (my soft defense
was around 80 or so when I remodelled).

My crew suffer the same problem as yours in that when I started, I too didn't build
up a suppor crew and they were well behind my BO and gunners, which is why
when I got the York, I was also pretty depressed by having such low soft defense
and dying easily.

For most people, they will find that their support crews (especially restorers and
repairers) don't contribute as much as they would like them to upto level 40 (due to
lack of experts and veterans) but by the time they start hitting levels 44-50, they will
be adding considerably to your soft defense. My gunners now have hit level 52 and
my support are in their mid to late 40's and I have a SD of around 200.

Be careful in trying to burn for vets too often. I try to stay disciplined in that I will
only try for veterans when my recruits (all crew are full) hit 90, then I burn once and
don't burn again until my recruits hit 90 once more (this way you don't burn too
many experts and they will continue to increase, hence helping your soft defence.

Hope this helps
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