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  • help me please

    10. 20. 2005 19:02

when i go into a trade room and try to show someone my sailors everything works until i click confirm to show them. then it shows this window that says you must have 50k creds and 50k points after transaction is completed. i already have 52k creds and 56k points. i even have enough after the tax thing that the game takes out of the trade for itself. please help

  • Re : help me please

    10. 20. 2005 19:04


it says that because either the person doesn't have 50k points/credits or its just another bug so restart the trade room or the game... or trade with someone else... i would suggest to restart your game truthfully. oh and yes and guitarism i had the same problem when i had 170k points and about 80k creds and it still said that so i don't really think that what you end up with is the answer...but i could be wrong.

  • Re : help me please

    10. 20. 2005 19:23

thanks for the help :)

  • Re : help me please

    10. 20. 2005 19:16

alternatively, the person could have full sailors.

  • Re : help me please

    10. 20. 2005 19:04

it says that because either the person doesn't have 50k points/credits or its just another bug so restart the trade room or the game... or trade with someone else... i would suggest to restart your game truthfully. oh and yes and guitarism i had the same problem when i had 170k points and about 80k creds and it still said that so i don't really think that what you end up with is the answer...but i could be wrong.

  • Re : help me please

    10. 20. 2005 19:04

Remember, you must both start with 50k creds/points but you must also end with 50k creds/points. If your trying to trade and it puts you under that, it won't be allowed.