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  • torp bombing suggestion

    10. 20. 2005 22:13

since using manual with torp bombers pretty much makes you fly them around at sea level (and so vulnerable to AAW fire), how 'bout changing the dive speed for tb's to match what they have with auto? i think it'd make using them a little easier cuz you won't have to lower them halfway across the map just to torp something, and auto bombing is stupid and you can predict where the torps are gonna go, especially since aerial torps have to be launched within visual range

  • Re : torp bombing suggestion

    10. 21. 2005 07:47

manual should always be better than auto, 'cause it takes more effort.

  • Re : torp bombing suggestion

    10. 20. 2005 23:30

I completely agree. Basically using manual means it is extremely difficult to tb ships other than on the enemy front lines. Changing altitude is so slow it makes it impossible to target ships beyond the front line. You'd likely cross over multiple ships while lowering altitude and be easily shot down. On top of that, the front line is pretty much entirely made up of DD's, not exactly the ships you're looking to tb, nor the easiest ships to hit either. Also, having to fly in at low altitude from so far away takes away any surprise factor of whether they're db or tb meaning they can easily evade the slow turning planes(and turning causes you to lose airspeed too...) that they know are coming in to drop torps.

  • Re : torp bombing suggestion

    10. 20. 2005 22:31

k I'll recommend even though I don't use CVs.