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  • 12/13(14) Maintenance: Servers down 10PM-12AM PST

    12. 13. 2006 21:21

Servers will be down on the night of 13th of Dec, from 10PM through 12AM Pacific
Standard Time.

Patch 1.151:

1. For Harbor Assault, we changed reduction of Harbor's productivity,
and defense when its attacked.

Harbor damage percentage change,
when attacked by Dive bombers and Naval Gun:
70% -> 100%

Harbor damage percentage change,
when attacked by airlift force:
40% -> 70%

Harbor damage percentage change,
when attacked by landing force:
0% -> 40%

2. Harbor Assault credit distribution system is disabled:
In the past, If a non-fleet member purchases a ship from harbor, the occupying fleet
received credit distribution. This is now gone. Instead, Tax percentage system will
be in effect.


===About the tax percentage system===
When ships are sold in shipyard, tax percentage system will kick-in, for "non-
occupying" fleet members,
For purchases, "discount" will kick-in for the "occupying" fleet members.

Let me put a.. very simple example, as I am also confused.
Say Lets say the ship price is 100 credits, and tax is 10 percent.

*For Buying:*
If a "non-harbor occupying" fleet member purchases the ship, this user will pay "full"
100 credits for the ship.
when "occupying" fleet members purchase a ship, they will get a discount, which is
determined by the tax percentage. So if a "occupying" fleet member purchases a
ship from harbor, this user will pay 90 credits for the ship.

*For selling:*
If a "non-occupying" fleet member sells the ship, this user will receive 90 credits
back. The rest of the credits (10 credits) are given to the occupying fleet. And
if "occupying" fleet member sells the ship, the user will receive 90 credits back.

The maximum taxation percentage is determined by the harbor's maximum
productivity and current productivity.
So for example (sorry for these retarded examples... but need to make sure),

If the Harbor's maximum productivity is 100, and the current productivity is 10, the
tax is 10%. This tax percentage can be increased with investments on Harbor. The
Maximum tax can be set... up to 100%!!!
The tax percentage is effective, as soon as it is set.

3. Added "Penalty" for leaving/disbanding fleet or squad:
This applies to fleet leader, fleet members, the attached squad leader and squad
members. If they disband the fleet/squad, withdrawal from the fleet/squad or are
ejected from the fleet/squad, the penalty will be enabled.

When penalized, the users will have to wait for a week:
For getting promoted to a fleet.
For creating squad.
For joining fleet/squad.

4. Fixed Great Battle II remaining time bug.


Thank You

