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  • Give the Brittish a few more CL / CL2 ships or remodels!!!

    10. 21. 2005 04:13

The Brits have only the dido and remodel Sirrius and the edin to select for use, every other nation has atleast 4 cl ships to choose from....

  • Re : Give the Brittish a few more CL / CL2 ships or remodels!!!

    10. 24. 2005 12:42

I don't think the Brits have a problem with a lack of CLs, even with a whopping total of 3. While they may not stand out as the BEST CLs in the game, on balance the Dido/Sirius and Edin are well balanced ships. Plus Brits move into some pretty effective CAs earlier than most. York at lvl 37, though not with the proper guns till lvl 43, and County at lvl 43.

The KM and IJN lines have a much better case for better or additional ships at the CL stage.

  • Re : Give the Brittish a few more CL / CL2 ships or remodels!!!

    10. 24. 2005 12:22

what the British COULD HAVE used was a DD tree split like everyone else has, but we have 2 less DDs than everyone else right now

  • Re : Give the Brittish a few more CL / CL2 ships or remodels!!!

    10. 22. 2005 04:01

Hey Km nation has the sperekurer as an DD and as a CL as well which you did not mention in your reply as welll!!! Compared to the US and Japs the Brits and Germans have less remodel cl1 and cl2 options and or new cls to choose....

Japs have DDs up into the from level 12 thru 40 levels I think?? Just poped in my head when thinking about KM DD and CL sprekre.... WOW LOL...

  • Re : Give the Brittish a few more CL / CL2 ships or remodels!!!

    10. 21. 2005 04:47

if their is one nation which needs more ships (and remodels) its the km not the brits. our cl1 has no remodell (although of all other nations their cl1s have a remodell) and we have also only one cl2 but without a remodell. and when you look at the rest of the ship tree, you have to admit that the km has very few ships, so if you want to ad some ships pls add them to the km, we need more ships.