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  • Why wait for Tab?

    10. 21. 2005 11:15

Hey everyone

Like you I sometimes get very fustrated waiting for everyone to Tab, expecially in a large group as it takes a very long time

My suggestion (sorry if there has already been one) is to give the Hoster the ability to start the game when he/she sees fit

Though this will be a bit edgy at times, it would save alot of wait time when everythings set and the whole 80 players is just waiting for someone whos AFK


  • Re : Why wait for Tab?

    10. 21. 2005 12:50

I'm with TNF and the other guys on this one, it's a ridiculous idea. Games are already too easily stacked. Why make it even easier for this sort of game rigging to damage the playability of a game?

  • Re : Why wait for Tab?

    10. 21. 2005 12:13

agreed with teamnf.

  • Re : Why wait for Tab?

    10. 21. 2005 11:32

I do not like this idea personally as i belive it will lead to forced stack games.
if someone is AFK, it's the hosts responsibility to ban them from the room and rebalance.

Most often, for me, i use my tab key as a signal to the host that either I think the room is balanced or that i trust that the host will balance (usually the higher the level of the host the better they are at balancing a room).

If a room is taking too long to balance, just leave and find another room.

Hope this helps


  • Re : Why wait for Tab?

    10. 21. 2005 11:27

well, i personally dont tab when i see a stacked game (though i ALWAYS tab before going afk), this is a poor suggestion in my eyes, there are enough stackers as it is