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Tip and Tactics


  • Torp bomber 'guide'

    10. 21. 2005 11:19

well i just saw a topic asking for TB help , so iam going to TRY to help you(i dont have any pics )

First Have TB pilots and a CV , click on the red circle on your cv with the immage of a TB then chose the TB you want to put in.
Then go at your box where normally there is ammo and such, you will see somewhere your TB's and right to it you can mount torps for your torp bombers , be sure to mount enough torps(like 4x or 5x the amount of TB's you ahve on your ship).
Having more then 1 pilot will be an advantage, so you will be able to send more then one squadron of planes at same time(but you wont be able to send at same time more planes then the CV allows for example: an Attacker can only send 6 planes at once but when those are in the air you will be able to send others, if you have enough pilots of course).

Now using the TB's in the battle:
first make your planes take off in the air: for that you first have to make planes ready to take off(like with scout planes)(if you want to send for example 2 squadrons you will need 2 pilots and to send the second in the air click on that iron *dont know how to say it in english* thingy left of the 'watch' that become a green scare with an icon of a plane when your squadron is ready to take off. then do the same as therefor to make those planes ready to take off.
Now your planes are in the air. the only buttons you will need(if you use them manually, what i recomend) is left mouse click(to say where your TB's have to go), ","(to make your TB's fligh lower, the TB's have to eb on the lowest possible to be able to launch torps) and then the "."(to drop the torp)
now you know the base lets say how to sink the best ships. First dont attack the ships with good AAW(like USN ships), then try to shoot the torps when you are sure they will hit and as far as possible so the enemy wont destroy the TB with AAW: so dont wait to the last minute to drop the torps and dont attack ships that are like this to your TB ==== but when the ennemy is like this || ( i hope you understand what i mean) ||

Ok i hope this will help some people.

PS: iam sorry if there are typos, please report them because some times i type to fast.

:EDIT: i changed the ";" to go lower into "," , thx kayne for reporting me :)

  • Re : Torp bomber 'guide'

    10. 21. 2005 23:23

ye it takes very much practise, i cant still use them on 90% of what a TB should able to do.

  • Re : Torp bomber 'guide'

    10. 21. 2005 21:49

The button to fly lower is "," not ";" as you have FYI. The rest is good though, well written. Torp bombing is not easy, takes a lot of practice until you get it right.

  • Re : Torp bomber 'guide'

    10. 21. 2005 12:13

That's a start, thanks!