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  • depth charges

    10. 21. 2005 11:36

i think that some ships should have depth charges that they can fire at very close ranges to destroy torps. because they are so close, the torps wil still do some damage, but only about half.

  • Re : depth charges

    10. 21. 2005 13:03

Don't think that depth charges would make any differnce. A better option still would be to drastically cut or remove the splash damage caused by torps exploding at the end of their run. Proximity and direct impact causing damage is fine but splash damage? That has to be one of the biggest pains in the game.

By the way the reason depth charges went off at certain depths was to a pressure sensitive detonator (see point 1 of the reply above)

  • Re : depth charges

    10. 21. 2005 12:52

even tho i have seen games (don't ask which, i forget) that depth charges did work against torps so i assumed they worked in real life, i thought they worked on torps as well as subs. well, even if it isn't realistic,it'd still be cool if they were put in.

P.S some depth charges were set off to blow up at a certain depth.

  • Re : depth charges

    10. 21. 2005 12:12

You do know that they had no use whatsoever against torps?
1. they were pressure sensitive.
2. they sank fast.
3. they were 'lobbed' out making aiming at torps highly ineffective and pretty much luck of the draw.
4. they were made for anti-sub warfare and we won't be getting subs.