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  • Joining the US Navy

    10. 21. 2005 14:09

Alright.. I'm new to this.. checked the manual and no answer.

I have several level 13 and 14 sailors and a level 12 Bridge Officer. I converted them all to American and sailed into the US harbour with my 1st level destroyer. However, when I get there, my destroyer isn't in the shipyard and I can't buy a new one?

I'm probably missing something but if anyone could lend a hand. :)


  • Re : Joining the US Navy

    10. 21. 2005 14:22

Awesome! Thank's for the tips!

I think they REALLY need to ensure they flesh out the manual well. ;)

  • Re : Joining the US Navy

    10. 21. 2005 14:13

yeah dont worry bout it.
first click shp under your BO and select Fletcher
take all ur sailors off the ship in busan harbor
hit esc
click on harbor at top corner select New York
click new. buy a fletcher. Put your crew on (they should be on the "force bar" at the bottom) and go sink some ships.

Good luck


  • Re : Joining the US Navy

    10. 21. 2005 14:12

Okay. Go into the shipyard. Find your bridge officer. Mouse over him. In the bottom right of his unit card is a button called "SHP." Click on that SHP button. Then you'll see a window with a lot of empty boxes, and one with the Fletcher. Click on the Fletcher, confirm it, and then you'll be able to start buying national ships.

Hope this helps.

  • Re : Joining the US Navy

    10. 21. 2005 14:12

You have to choose a new ship in the BO's CLS menu: Fletcher.
Than you have to buy the Fletcher.