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  • CVs helpful ideas

    10. 21. 2005 14:35

OK guys, ive got my independence, and 2 db 2 tb, 4 fighters, i seem to find that the best set up is to run 3 Fighter pilots, 2 DB and 1 Tb

The DB use for long range, and the TB is good for personal defense

keep a set or fighters up at all times, generally i use a set of 3 or 4.

It is also advisable to send an escort of 2 -4 fighters when ur tryign to bomb a CV, or get a teamate CV to help by sending fighters

USA ships have lots of AAW careful..... or MAYDAY MAYDAY lol
hope this helps u newly discovered CV users

  • Re : CVs helpful ideas

    10. 21. 2005 15:47

Sry ness, im still using my gunners :( got my guam now so im actually using it for the most part

  • Re : CVs helpful ideas

    10. 21. 2005 15:12

thx bcairns Im gonna get my bogue soon :) can i get your gunnerz?? (plz??)

or do u still use em?