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  • British Seaplane Carriers!!!

    10. 21. 2005 16:32

I was reading this book about CV's and WW2 planes. Then I realized something.

The Oyodo, isn't really a CV and it is suppose to be a seaplane tender/carrier, in other words only suppose to use the Torpedo planes and scouts or fighters with floats. Why not gice the UK Nation smoe seaplane carriers like the HMS Hermes or some otehr kind opf ship, and give them the Short 189, its a torpedo plane, with floats, so it can launch off a seaplane carrier. And itsa a good idea, for the british get the best torpedo bomber pilots.

PS. So what do you guys think? Oh, and I would have put in a pic of the Short 189, but my scanner won't work and can't seem to find a good pic of it on the internet.

  • Re : British Seaplane Carriers!!!

    10. 21. 2005 22:20

i say the oyodo should be higher lvl like lvl 43 just having a carrier that low lvl is stupid....

  • Re : British Seaplane Carriers!!!

    10. 21. 2005 22:06

Instead of adding a british version oyodo, I'd rather them just make the oyodo unable to carry db'ers. This would help alleviate everyone from just going the oyodo/hosho route for cv since torp bombers aren't the easiest to use. Meanwhile...db'ers on the other hand...

  • Re : British Seaplane Carriers!!!

    10. 21. 2005 18:25

Oh, come on, isn't this a good idea, if not NVM, oh and maybe should lowr the level of the brit torpedo bomber pilot, like the japanese, so if this was to be put in game, the short will be availible at a low level.