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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Restocking Sima Time!

    10. 21. 2005 21:22

I think that it is time to add a little more sima's to the mix, because i am seeing them less and less, and i am missing blowing them up :)

  • Re : Restocking Sima Time!

    10. 24. 2005 18:22

don't you love enwhyoos modesty... I wish we could all be like that.

  • Re : Restocking Sima Time!

    10. 23. 2005 11:18

Considering I've been seeing 80% of the time people torping slow and narrow with M1 torps, I lost hope in TWs ability to perform. Where did all the superior TWs go? People like Tmoney and I went gunships and CVs, people like Texan and Bhtae use Kitas. I don't think we ever complained about Sima restock, and we far surpass the majority of the noob TWs out there in skill and level (I am not joking with you, if you can consistently score 20k dmg in 6v6 games, come tell me and I'll take my words back). So just forget about Simas and try either gunning or using a TW CL.

  • Re : Restocking Sima Time!

    10. 23. 2005 10:23

sima is only lvl 33, go get a kuma or something

10 lvl from torping aint that hard

  • Re : Restocking Sima Time!

    10. 23. 2005 09:44

Good god, a Shima just went on sale with a minimum bid of 1 million. This is insane. By the time most players get a million, they're well past the Shima stage (I've seen decked out Kitas for half that). By the time most players get to affording a Shima on the side, they're probably in the BB2 or CV3 range. This makes me so angry, that I'm cheated out of a natural progression in ship class and equipment.

  • Re : Restocking Sima Time!

    10. 23. 2005 07:56

Just play z99 TW and screw them all to lv (you can put your ijn crew on supports for training)

52/70 speed is an magical thing.... and German TW is very different from IJN ones....need close range + muitple hits to do good damage, but its got speed to do just that....pwnd many a kuma/kuma-kai that was too nub to realize how fast an z can dash to the center..

  • Re : Restocking Sima Time!

    10. 23. 2005 06:49

Vaguez you're right in all. I agree in full.

The most stupid thing is a Brooklyn with 40 TT. What is this? Is that a TW? No is a USN ship and USN ship cannot be a TW. Just plainly stupid. And what with vast numbers of Somers in every room? This ship can launch 15 torps at once. Is that a TW? No because it's a USN ship and you know what. Where are "great" US dud torp? All US torp exploding with every hit. Another thing, USN get 1st 5 TT launcher at lvl 20. IJN need to grind to lvl 35, but for real torpedos (M1) and 5 TT launcher you need to reach lvl 50! Its almost a BB lvl. Stop with this hypocrisy and restock Shimakaze. Even if you mount 5.5" guns on Fubuki or Shimakaze you're always TW, but other nation torpedo ships aren't. Just stupid.

  • Re : Restocking Sima Time!

    10. 23. 2005 06:30

People who complain about TW, don't know how to use their guns.
They are proud of killing ships which are less powerful than them : sure it's very difficult to kill a ship with single 3", when you have five double 6".
I'm out of all these parts with "no TW" in their title. One time I enter in a part "no TW" with my shitting "Tatsuda". Result ? I was banned.
I'm out of seeing some ships who launch 10 torps, when noob Fubuki launch 9. The Fubu can launch 9 torps three times, but when somebody launch once 10 torps, is that not a TW ?
NO, NO, only IJN ships can do TW.........stupid mentality......
Other nations have better guns and armors, IJN have torps, so please stop invent stupid excuses, the only thing restocking Shima can do is to make the game more fair for everyone.

PS: Sorry for mistakes you could find in this post, it's that my english sucks ^^
The author of that post , no wanted it to be agressive, but if it is, please forgive him.

  • Re : Restocking Sima Time!

    10. 22. 2005 18:14


Z99 is more overpowered then sima.

  • Re : Restocking Sima Time!

    10. 22. 2005 16:48

"There are too many TW's as it is. If they Add in more sima's, not only would they have MORE tw's, but they would be faster as well"

People can't play two ships at once. Having Shimas back will simply mean that some people move up from Fubus to Shimas. It will not magically multiply the finite number of torpedo users all of a sudden. If more people want to join Japan for Shima, they've got a 32 levels grind to reach it, by which time some of the Shima players would have moved on to Kuma-derivatives and other classes.

  • Re : Restocking Sima Time!

    10. 22. 2005 16:34

i think they should restock sima for those ppl that took TW line. Cuz of now u have to stick w/ fubu (which is a great ship) up until kita cuz Tatsuda and Kuma both suck
and is a long grind to go from fubu-kita.
I know none of u guys want to be stuck w/ a damn dd for 33 lvls and cant join any games cuz every1 hates TWs.
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