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U.S Navy


  • baltimore worth it?

    12. 03. 2005 13:20

2 levels away from baltimore and plenty of money to equip it, is it worth getting? i mean
can you actually do good dammage wtih triple 8" even tho u only have 3 mounts?

  • Re : baltimore worth it?

    12. 10. 2005 12:30

Absolutely it is worth it.

If your gunners are level 48 when you get into it you will struggle a little at first
between the longer reload time and the so so spread your gunners will have at first,
but once your gunners level up a little and you get used to the reload times you will
get good and start to have fun, before you now it you will become deadly to
everything but the BB's.

  • Re : baltimore worth it?

    12. 09. 2005 16:54

Balt also has a very nice T-slot setup for AA and secondary guns. You have at least 6
(usually 8) barrels for a full 360 degree arc of fire. If you get the hang of it, 5"
secondaries with decent-level RLD gunners are good for taking care of close-in DD's.

  • Re : baltimore worth it?

    12. 04. 2005 18:10

is the baltimore worth it...yes. personally i've never had any problems dealing with a

  • Re : baltimore worth it?

    12. 04. 2005 18:05

Saying a Port/NO is better then a Balt couse of amror is stupid.

I got bored the other day so I used my Flecther. MY FLETCHER. And I sunk maybe 2-3 Ports
in just 6 games.

How many balts?


It's becasue Ports have the DD mentality (charge in beacsue your armor is fine) while
Balts have the CA mentality (Stay back and pick them off)

  • Re : baltimore worth it?

    12. 04. 2005 16:24

ROFL. I like how ur argument is that since most balt players don't stay out of your range, your
ship is better. That's like saying Sirius is better than Mpro cuz a Sirius will destroy it when they
are in range of each other.

You can't use player skill when comparing ships. IE, a player with a balt carrying AP who knows
how to range will beat a player in an NO without taking a scratch.

  • Re : baltimore worth it?

    12. 04. 2005 15:50

NO/Port>Balt because Balt can only hardly kill fully armored Ports or NO... and most
Balti-players dont stay out of my range...
And when fighting 1on1 with both have each other in range it is more like: Balti
100Dmg/Shell, NO/Port 400-500Dmg/Shell ;-)

  • Re : baltimore worth it?

    12. 04. 2005 01:23

balt > portland cuz balt ranges port...

  • Re : baltimore worth it?

    12. 03. 2005 23:03

It is always worth moving up. But you have to be ready to adjust you're play style.
If you're going from the brook to balt then prepared for greater range with slower

If you going from the cleve to the balt then expect a slight range increase and better
aa. Going from clevel to balt is not a huge leap.

The problem now, after this last patch, is that the balt is now one of the largest
ships in any room. It's huge for a CA and with fewer BBs around it become a priority
target for CVs and DD swarms. If you plan to play most CL/CA/BB games stay with
14s (range over reload) with lots of belt and some deck; if you prefer to play all
welcomes go with the 16s (reload over range) with lots of belt and some bulge.

  • Re : baltimore worth it?

    12. 03. 2005 19:13

baltimore is as much worth as portland which i have
they have closly same range, 3 guns (i have also 850k armor on my portland=4.7
there is 1 think why i think portland is a little bit better than baltimore: it is
SMALLER=harder to hit :D

  • Re : baltimore worth it?

    12. 03. 2005 13:32

Yes, you can do a lot of damage.

Trip 8" Mark 14L's do around 500 per shell, times 9 shells is 4000.

Plus range is best of any US ship below BC.

Just remember, as a CA don't rush, stay in the back, and use manual FCS