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  • Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    12. 29. 2005 20:02

Customizable Ships (colors, visual sets) - Won't happen
Mix of Auto/Manual FCS (click to turn guidelines, keys for angles) - Won't happen
Random Torpedo Movement/Duds - Won't happen
Harbor Assault (aka Island Defense/Attack) - In the works, expected in ~2 month's time.
OpConvoy Fix - In the works, no ETA
Kamikaze Planes - Won't happen
Submarine/U-boats - Being worked on.

These are the ones I got definite answers on, for the rest:

General Rule: No new features at this point, bug fixing first!

Edit by babs:
Damagable sub-systems - teamNF anounced earlier this year that they liked it but
that it
was too hard given the architecture to implement.

Edit by TimmyC:
Made change to "Submarine/U-boats".

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    10. 23. 2007 05:47

@above no plain and simple no

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    10. 22. 2007 18:43

well this sounds cool but it whould be funny if there was kamikazi planes..its kinda
apart of ww2...

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    10. 09. 2007 12:11

yes those ones that dont exist....

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    10. 09. 2007 11:05

i hate those damn kamikazee planes!!

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    10. 02. 2007 09:00

this is still here??

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    09. 20. 2007 12:13

i suggest we have a allies vs axis war.

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    09. 19. 2007 15:59

Aw no kamikaze planes.

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    09. 14. 2007 06:16

us USN players know the the baltimore can carry dual 12's.
so....why is their range SO short? i mean u have to be right next to
some1 to even get a chance of a hit.

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    09. 02. 2007 02:50

NO SUBS?????why,there could be missions where you could kill with a sub. Bots could be enemys

  • Re : Frequently Suggested Stuff - READ!

    09. 01. 2007 10:10

Subs would add a good touch to destroyers and frigates...

However, I think that PR boats and lifeboats should be used. I think that you could
have a PR boat on the deck of a bb, and you can launch it and it will be a good aa
and a good torpedoe boat. However, it does not have much fuel and is very weak to
even aa fire.

When your ship is going down, you should be able to abandon ship and send your
crew to an allied ship, using lifeboats. These crew members will then help your ally
do jubs more efficiently.