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  • CV Shortage

    04. 10. 2011 22:52

Well, it's been an ongoing problem with NF. Most rooms fill to 20 BB's and everyone MUST
wait (with the invention of GBII) long periods of time for the room to start. This is a serious
turnoff to new players and any MMO needs player base growth to keep the game alive.

So the question is:

Why do you think the servers have low CV activity?

My observations,

-Monotonous fighter biased gameplay. BB's go blind and become aggravated at you.
-Shared XP resulting in weak rewards for being successful.
-AA ships. Cause and affect. AAW'ing is the only practical form of getting experts. With ships
like the Mandel, it's getting a little ridiculous. Moltke's and Pensacola's are bad enough.
-Low fuel on planes. I've noticed this hurts TB usage as it's difficult to regroup them after
the "low fuel" mark is hit.
-Lack of CV content. Especially when you compare it to BB content.
-Small diversity between cv nations.
-Shared CV6's between IJN/KM and US/UK
-No real advantage of owning a CV6 over a PCV. PCV in some ways is better since you can
use a support on the BO slot.


  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 10. 2011 23:10

"- Buff all nations bombers to NFKR levels."
or introduce T3 bombers with KR T2 stats.(motivates people to level their CV)

- Buff scout speed to T2 scout with T1 FP speed, T3 scout with T2 FP speed, T4 Scout
with T3 FP speed.(motivates to level up scouts = less whinney BB's)

- Nerf T5 scout speed to T4 FP speed.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 10. 2011 23:05


Extreme, but I like the idea. Too bad no one listens. *sigh*

Buffing bombers for the sake of DPS wouldn't be so bad if there were limits to how much
someone can "Whore". I don't think it should be allowed for a CV to carry only one plane type
be it fighters OR bombers. If BB's can't carry main guns below 10 inches then something
similar should be for CV's.

  • Re : CV Shortage

    04. 10. 2011 23:00

The root cause is the same problem all MMOs have.

Noone wants to play support, everyone wants to play DPS.

Add crappy rewards and monotonous gameplay and you will get the shortage you
have now.

- Buff XP gain for CVs in GB1, to be way above GB2 (This would fix the GB2
dominance as well).
- Buff all nations bombers to NFKR levels.