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  • Give the ability to cancel a flight of planes

    11. 25. 2006 15:22

Hey guys,

I was playing in my CV earlyer today and loaded a set of tbs instead of Fighters so i had
to wait till they loaded and launched them and by that time all the enemy fighters had
gone home and i got nothin. So i got the idea of the ability to cancel a flight of planes.
It would be a simple thing to implement but it would be very usful in a game.

Stryder's uber photo shop skills : P

Note the new "Abort" button

  • Re : Give the ability to cancel a flight of planes

    11. 26. 2006 06:07

well... it will be good for me as a cv driver, but it would take out some realism.

u can't cancel it because its like the crew of the cv takes those secons to take the
planes to the flying deck. so if u need 12 sec. to take a plane to the flight deck, you
need to make it fly out from the deck or 12 sec more to get into the ship.

but well, it would be good that if ure loading 5-6 planes, ( about a minute ) and ure
still on the second plane, u'll need only 20 sec to cancel the action and prepare a new
wing, not the fully 60 sec.

that would be good.

  • Re : Give the ability to cancel a flight of planes

    11. 26. 2006 05:59

nice I'll rec tomorrow as I used mine already.

  • Re : Give the ability to cancel a flight of planes

    11. 26. 2006 05:50

Great suggestion Stryder. This shouldn't be very hard to add.

  • Re : Give the ability to cancel a flight of planes

    11. 25. 2006 19:55

I can't think of the number of times that would have been useful. Definetly a useful

  • Re : Give the ability to cancel a flight of planes

    11. 25. 2006 19:34

Stupid 1 rec per day -.-

  • Re : Give the ability to cancel a flight of planes

    11. 25. 2006 16:17

totaly agreed. sometimes u just want to dismiss those TB and put some fighters on