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  • Weaken UK US and KM DD3

    10. 22. 2005 10:14

As Much as i like the new DD3s, i only think its fair that the KM Z99 and US DDX should be weakened a bit. An idea might be to lessen the gunspace on both so that they cant carry such devastating guns.

I think the Z99 can carry 6.75s. whats the point of a CL (koenigsburg) with 3x6.75 when u can use a boat with 4x6.75.

DDX is just nuts with the right guns.... 5xdual 6" it can tear apart the best of CLs. not sure how decent this ship would be with lowerd gunspace, for i am not completely familiar with the US

THe L class isnt that big of a deal, my set up for it is the 2x dual 6" in the front with 4" belt. if i put the other dual 6" turret on, i cant fit any armor at all. But again, if NF lowers the gunspace a tad, and limit it to the dual 5.25s then i think it still be a good ship.

THe Tsukekei got jipped in the introduction of the DD3s, it has 5 turrets but has almost no usuable displacement for full crews and armor.

Please leave comments about my idea.



(PS. If you agree, plz feel free to Recommend my post)


  • Re : Weaken UK US and KM DD3

    10. 22. 2005 10:39

"Tsukekei has low useable displacment? So has the Z99 when you put 6.75 guns on it."

The Tsukekei should be able to fit its guns (dual 5.5s) and crew, but currently it can't. The z99 shouldnt even be able to mount the 6.75s, i am just saying lower the gunspace on it, not the displacement.

  • Re : Weaken UK US and KM DD3

    10. 22. 2005 10:36

I can just manage to fit 5 5.5" L on the Tsukikei + my Bo + my 2 gunners. But that is enough for me. However, that ship isn't even unlocked for players with Bos of high level.

As for the X, I do not mind it as much; the Z, however, needs to be nerfed. Either lower its displacement or the gunspace. A DD that can defeat CL2s is utterly wrong. No matter how you see it. Not even a Sima is this strong.

  • Re : Weaken UK US and KM DD3

    10. 22. 2005 10:34

When you nerf those DDs, nerf the IJN DD3 too.
Tsukekei has low useable displacment? So has the Z99 when you put 6.75 guns on it.

  • Re : Weaken UK US and KM DD3

    10. 22. 2005 10:29

I to agree with you but CLs are stronger and can generally hold more stuff. So i would rather have a dd with cl guns that take up most of its space than ppl with 50000 torps.
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