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  • New Fighter Planes with local range.

    04. 22. 2009 10:23

Now that NF has introduced new fighter planes with local range. I dont understand
what will be the use of these new planes. Is NF going to introduce another space for
loading Fighter planes for local range. Because on CVs we only have one space to
load fighter planes. We cant load two different types of Fighter planes.
For instance these local range fighter planes can only be used in especial
circumtances. And if u want to protect your team and other Man ships of your side
with Fighter cover then you need to launch Conventional Fighters with long range
And I am confused if I need to train more fighter pilots for these specific planes in a
case where my conventional planes hav already been launched and I immediately
have to launch local range planes. So that I would be required more than FOUR
fighter pilots aboard any time.

  • Re : New Fighter Planes with local range.

    01. 25. 2010 21:08

I am a beta-era player back after a two year hiatus. I decided to start a CV crew
from scratch just for fun. The local fighters are a nice way to let my Bogue
participate in GB right from the start.

Instead of hanging back and spamming planes, I provide close support for a 2-3 BB
group. I send DBs through fighter cover windows at short range to finish off fleeing,
crippled BBs. In the meantime, I quick launch 4 local fighters 2/1/1 with my three
level 50ish FP sailors whenever an air threat appears, someone trys to camp
fighters over me, or scouts are just outside AA range. My lvl 50 B/V/E pilots with
local fighters easily chew up planes many, many levels higher. Of course, timing is
everything as you have about 15 seconds of actual combat time, and my CV1
support certainly is not a substitute for proper high-level fighter cover. In a decent
game, I get 15-20k in attack with 10-20 plane kills of various types.

Basically, local fighters let my pitiful little CV1 contribute in GB more than most sub-
level 60 ships, and I don't have to suffer through a bunch of Blitz noob fests.
However, the game balance is not affected, as I am limited to "chipping in" just like
other support roles. Nice change.

  • Re : New Fighter Planes with local range.

    07. 26. 2009 19:07

Better he necro'ed a three month old thread then make a new thread that would look like a
flaming whine thread.

  • Re : New Fighter Planes with local range.

    07. 26. 2009 19:03

Nice necro...

But locals are only good for blitz.

  • Re : New Fighter Planes with local range.

    07. 26. 2009 18:48

"Oh and for some reason the T2 T3 planes could shoot from behind instead of front. "

Known as Dragging...
The only reason it isn't illegal is because they say it's making the user micro. =.=

Locals aren't suppose to pwnerize everything in the sky. If micro'ed* T2/3 fighters can
beat a few locals.

  • Re : New Fighter Planes with local range.

    07. 26. 2009 18:07

as far as i see it, local planes dont work out too well. I have an independence
loaded with 2 fighter pilots and some locals. my locals kept getting shot down when
bigger cv sends in T2 T3 planes. Locals are supposed to be 2 or 3 times more
powerful than T2 T3, but they are getting owned. This is not right, NF need to do
something about this. My locals stand no chance against any other fighters in gb. Oh
and for some reason the T2 T3 planes could shoot from behind instead of front.

  • Re : New Fighter Planes with local range.

    04. 24. 2009 12:29

The official intent for the new interceptors are for low-level CVs to actually be of
some practical use in GBs. They are meant to be used to sail alongside their team's
BBs and provide point-defence against bombers and some fighters.

  • Re : New Fighter Planes with local range.

    04. 24. 2009 11:28

The Local Fighters do provide some new possible roles for CV1 and CV2. Now these
previously out-powered CV's can provide local air superiority to a small area. This may
be as a protector to a bigger CV or even to a BB5 or 6.

As second possibility for CV1/2 in GB would be to bomber whore. If some of the bigger
CV's revert to local fighter use - there will be gaps in coverage due to the short range
of the local fighters. Ironically - you can head your bombers directly at the local
fighters - because they will have to retreat to land due to short range. They only have
about 15 seconds of flight time..... There is the possibility of the new flight heading
to replace it, of course, and the resulting flaming spirals will be discouraging!

A safer route is to micro your bombers around the local fighter vectors and attack from
the unguarded side - CV's using local fighters have little time to scan the skies for
incoming threats!

  • Re : New Fighter Planes with local range.

    04. 24. 2009 04:49

cmon think about the game ballance.

CV1's and 2's up against lvl 100+ cv 4-5s are so outmatched that they can do
nothing. At least local fighters give them a chance do do somehting during a game
but they can't extend their power to the ohter bb line unless they want to throw
their fighters away.

As for bb's screaming for scouts. local fighters are worthless.

  • Re : New Fighter Planes with local range.

    04. 24. 2009 03:02

i wonder what the point is in T1s now, same level basically, bu tfar outperformed....

  • Re : New Fighter Planes with local range.

    04. 23. 2009 13:32

Or if you have a CVE you can go back to being a CL with fighter cover :P I'ma try
this with my Mog later.
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