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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • should the Oyodo cv be a cv?

    08. 31. 2009 18:57

this is a post just say yes no and the reasons why u chose to put yes or no.
yes because the agano is a good starter cv...etc
no because the agano is a better as a cl not a cv...etc
hope everyone reviews this post and replies to it.

  • Re : should the Oyodo cv be a cv?

    09. 03. 2009 04:59

you will have to work harder on your reading skills if you wanna tease people , sir.

  • Re : should the Oyodo cv be a cv?

    09. 02. 2009 10:09

starmistrax : where did u learned to do ur numbers? 12FP + 8 DB = 1600 space, the
Oyodo only have 1250.
Besides to use DB, means u have higher lvls.
A starter CV player will find itself ( if he did trained the pilots) at lvl 38 with a CVE1
model and only TB1 planes and maybe rookies that will become FP or DB that can
work as scouts if u load some ( and that means spend space and sacrifice Fighters
or TB numbers).

Basic: Oyodo with (only) TB= 15 TBs + 1 spy

My experience as CVE player: on good hands it is a real threat, i did (and do) some
real mess in Blitz with it ( im planning on make my CVE colection , already have
Oyodo and Mogami and working for the Ise).
At first is a bit annoying for the player since the TB1 are... well... a pain. Once ur TB
pilots hit lvl 40 u get TB2 and there comes the real fun. if u suffered the TB1 all the
way up till lvl 40 u will get those and u will have good exp flying them.
Most players that are going for CVs strip the oyodo of weaponry in favor of speed,
my advice: Dont.

My recommendation: i used both Oyodo and Mogami full armed and when u get exp
on handling them u can kick some serious a$$es ^_^. In one of my best games i
sinked 1 CA, 3CL and 5 DDs useing all, planes, cannons and torps.

  • Re : should the Oyodo cv be a cv?

    09. 01. 2009 19:50

it's a CVE.

This post shouldn't even be exist.

  • Re : should the Oyodo cv be a cv?

    09. 01. 2009 16:32

For me, oyodo as CV suits him well. For me, it ends up being better than the hosho, even
though it has more aircraft space and can send 1 more plane.... in a blitz of course

hosho pros above oyodo
- more aircraft space (slightly)
- can send 1 more plane
- thinner (thought both are very thin, so this kinda looses any strenght as argument)

oyodo pros above hosho:
- much, much faster
- can carry 2 6.1' tripples, which are a good deal for killing DDs that get too close (and
on blitzkrieg that is very common)

the thing is, indeed hosho pros are more directed at CV while the oyodo pros more directed
as a CL, but in the end, the oyodo ends up being more suited for CV imho. You can run with
it, or you can pwn the lill DDs and some cruisers, aircraft space is small, thats true,
but on blitz, unless you caugh some1 with a FW setup or you runned by TBers, you wont run
out of planes, anyway its a good ship for you to learn to conserve your own +planes
(here's a hint, best combo, with mixed planes on a oyodo, is 12 FP and 8 DB, only this);
you can dodge easily the bombs..... etc etc, there's so much things you can do with the
oyodo than you can barely do with hosho

  • Re : should the Oyodo cv be a cv?

    09. 01. 2009 15:11

Should be a cl with like 5 tbs :\

  • Re : should the agano cv be a cv?

    09. 01. 2009 08:52

thanx, should have re-read it.

  • Re : should the agano cv be a cv?

    08. 31. 2009 23:17

first of all, i'm going to correct you here, the agano remod, the oyodo is the CV, not
the agano itself.

now, to the main point, i dont think the oyodo is a good starter CV, as it's
planespace makes it unusable for anything outside of blitz, and in blitz,
bomberwhoring is not the way to go in GB.
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