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Royal Navy


  • The Emerald Appreciation Thread

    12. 07. 2009 13:07

I for one love my Emerald... a true jack of all trades/master of none ship. I've spent the
better part of the 26-40 (spread over two BOs mind you) driving an Emerald. And since the
NCLs have been fixed the Emerald has proven to be a very versitile ship.

The upside:

Relatively fast w/ at level crew.
Variety of gun/play configs (6/45 for blasting in blitz, RP10 for AAW fun in GB)
Best looking NCL (IMHO)
4 scouts = I can actually be useful in GB even w/o AAW setup
Generally a low profile ship -- meaning you aren't going to be targeted as quickly as say
an Edin

The downside:

Still somewhat low on usable displacement. As my crew creeps into the high 30s/low 40s all
that unused displacement is quickly going away.... as such so is my speed advantage.
Low DP (expected in a CL0)
No ability to mount useful armor
Its goodness as a ship doesn't come at level

In a GB the other day I ran into a goldbar (gunners presumably) Emerald that just machine
gunned me w/ his RP10s. Quite impressive really.... couldn't get out of the way fast
enough and couldn't deal enough damage back to avoid sinking.

I've also wondered if using one of the later 6"/50 duals would be an alternate way of
playing. Sacrifice reload vs. 6"/45Ds to sit back and snipe.

Post up your Emerald love stories.

  • Re : The Emerald Appreciation Thread

    12. 11. 2009 10:28

I prefer using the 5,25'' QF , it is lighter, more powerfull, reload doesn't matter for
me as
long as you know how to snipe and to exploit the maximum efficiency.

  • Re : The Emerald Appreciation Thread

    12. 11. 2009 09:57

I can imagine, and have been the victim of, a RP10 equipped Emerald with high level
gunners. Maybe one day I can be THAT guy too.

Thus far in my return I think the Emerald is the one ship I will not sell. Sold my Q and L
already. In part b/c it won't get me much of anything in resale value but b/c it is useful
to level up lower level sailors. I have already noticed the exp hit on sailors in the 10s
and 20s while using my Sirius -- which is already on its way out to pay for an Edin.

  • Re : The Emerald Appreciation Thread

    12. 10. 2009 19:52

I played emerald all the way until I capped blitz. Using the lo st art of High Angling
with the rp10s. It pretty much negated most deck-awed ships in blitz and shredded slow CAs.

I still take it out for a spin in GB once in awhile. I use a mix of 3 rp10 Ds and 3 single
4.5" Ns. Similar golden angle, different reload speed. Allows me to get a
staggerfire/rapidfire effect going.

  • Re : The Emerald Appreciation Thread

    12. 10. 2009 18:05

While I wouldn't have started a thread about it, I do share your appreciation for the ship.

RP10A + level 115 AA gunners + level 120 engineers = Lots of downed planes + lots of
sunk CL and below ships.


  • Re : The Emerald Appreciation Thread

    12. 10. 2009 15:46

I couldn't agree more! I love the Emerald for its versatility. I went for Edin and County
and have gone straight back to the Emerald.

A truely great ship in a class of its own, loaded out with rp10 5.25cals, 7 binds AA and 4
HE Hvy and loaded with a good bulge to avoid sub attacks, i really dont worry about speed
too much. I can sit back in GB2's giving cover to Flags and CV's then when the going gets
tough switch and provide some heavy fire for as long as i can last!

The 6 broadside guns really help to pack a good solid punch when it lacks any real HP
points. This ship really does need to be in a class of its own with higher HP and

On average whilst training i've been picking up between 4 and 8k exp points per sailor
each battle when i survive and flag does too. With any other ship that went down too 4-6k
every few rounds as i couldn't get close enough to them dam BB's, lol.

A great ship for those that wish to level up sailors quick and i too spend my time using
this to get them through their 20's, 30's and just into their 40's.

I would also recommend this as a good trainer for those wanting to practice and learn
manual aim, as with an AA setup you need to act fast but wont get blown up in the process!
For those doing so with the RP10's on board, the goldern angle for success i've found is
37 degrees, just remember to aim at the shadows on the water not the planes themselves

So, here's to the Emerald!!!!

  • Re : The Emerald Appreciation Thread

    12. 08. 2009 04:39

my favourite ship. mind you, I haven't played that much.
the rp10s are great w/ high level gunners - and what's that? 6 gun broadside?

did most of 20-40s in it too. I've bought the edin and county, but always went back -
until exp got too difficult.

  • Re : The Emerald Appreciation Thread

    12. 08. 2009 03:20

i love the emerald.

rp10N with lvl 96 rld gunners


rp10A with lvl 84 (ijn style classed) aa gunners

88k attack in a gb2.

no other CL quite like it.
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