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  • Paris or Lyon ?????

    03. 08. 2010 07:36

Paris or Lyon ,plz give us Feed back and Rehor leave it or locked it u still a Troll :P

  • Re : Paris or Lyon ?????

    04. 03. 2010 13:55

Paris is a uber nice ships

I reforce, whit duals lv 71

  • Re : Paris or Lyon ?????

    04. 03. 2010 08:49

I've played each one equally and I have to give it some strengths and weaknesses.

A very good ship. Almost like a Boomstick colo if you can get in range but such a hassle
to to actually get in range. Pretty much the only thiung it has is its firepower and
sumwhat small profile. IMO the firepower is nice and all (1 shotted a Lion 2 Full health
xD) but doesn't suit my style of playing since it just reminds me of my monty so no fun
there. =( It's speed is actually decent since it only goes around 33-35 depending on crew
but that for me is usually enough. Lyon IMO is a good ship for training crew but I would
go for the Paris. The higehst I've been ale to get with this has only been 100k attackish.

Paris: OMG I love this ship is all I can say. This ship IMO has too be one of the best
ships I've ever had to use. It has a ridiculously low Hit box. (Ive been able to rush into
battle with so many BB's missing on me that its not even funny). The only con of the paris
is its firepower but I can see why it's been nerfed in that category. If it was given more
firepower it would come close to gamebreaking. Its speed and ridiculous profile for a BB
2.5(thats how I class it as such) make it such a threat that ppl overlook. The Lvl71 guns
are pretty easy to handle since it goes to 35 degrees). The Paris has got to be one the
MN's Best Ships. The best I've gotten with this ship was quite a bit..see screenie below

Also I tried an 8.2inch deck paris with 2 front guns and dam that was fun xD. Took a while
for people to notice but I was able to bounce a sodak x__X.

Still not convinced at the Paris's Potential...This game I engaged 3-4BBs and sunk the
flag. It's small profile contributed to the success....and I wish i had more Ammo (-_-)"

EDIT: *Note: to the people that might or going to ask about my HUD its from TBNF. So if
you want to get it, its in the non-ship sprites.*

  • Re : Paris or Lyon ?????

    04. 03. 2010 05:48

In my opinion Paris whit lv 72 dual turrets

Whit it ur got BB3/pbb ( no doria ) range, descent spread and good demage

but only 2 bids

  • Re : Paris or Lyon ?????

    04. 02. 2010 16:55

I love both ships but i have to say with the lvl 71 guns Paris wins. It has more range
better spread, hold extra crew slot, and is smaller.

But if your crew is good enough (which mine isnt) Lyon kicks its butt XD

oh and also because of the low DP on Paris you can only fit 5 guns unless you cut back on
crew and armor

  • Re : Paris or Lyon ?????

    03. 11. 2010 04:45

Thanks Wliddabeast great in put i am at that level so ur info is right on the money thanks


  • Re : Paris or Lyon ?????

    03. 10. 2010 19:36

"I am using the Paris without the two centre guns. Still has 8 shells, with the advantage
of having enough room to mount MN's ownage aa, and an extra support slot."

Closer, but still not quite all there yet.

  • Re : Paris or Lyon ?????

    03. 10. 2010 17:12

I am using the Paris without the two centre guns. Still has 8 shells, with the advantage
of having enough room to mount MN's ownage aa, and an extra support slot.

  • Re : Paris or Lyon ?????

    03. 10. 2010 13:29

I have a few points as I have been grinding the MN line and have had some time in
both ships. The Lyon with 13.4/45 lvl 71 duals mounted make it a viable ship. With
the duals mounted my speed on the Lyon is 23/37 and the gun space of the R slots
lets you have insane amount of binds, I load out 5 LHE and 1 AP. (You can hold 24
binds in total I believe with these guns)

The Paris does offer 1 more support slot which is better but you are limited to 2
binds of ammo for the same guns and my speed drops to 24/34 (same crew for
testing purposes).

Another drawback on the Paris is you are not able to use the T slots because with
the lvl 71 guns and full crew, disp is close to max. That said, on the Lyon there is
plenty of displacement left and with the listed speed above it includes 10 of the
3.5/50 cal dual guns installed.

The Paris does offer a slightly better grouping than the Lyon (with the same guns)
due to its FCS having a slightly better accuracy bonus and of course the
Paris has a smaller hit box.

Now the Quad aka spray n pray 13.4's are ranged by the 13.4 duals (the duals
grouping is also better) and the quads are much heavier droping my speed in the
Lyon to 24/34.

All things said it is going to be personal preference and I like the
Lyon with the 13.4" duals over the Paris as speed, more ammo and AA ability is
more important to me than what the Paris offers.


  • Re : Paris or Lyon ?????

    03. 10. 2010 11:51

Paris all the way once you get high enough to use it. Lyon is fun and all but the
spread just sucks way to much early on...and the speed hurts too.

Oh and as far as cities go i'd take Paris any day of the week there too. So much to
see and do and more connecting transportation hubs to the rest of the world.

  • Re : Paris or Lyon ?????

    03. 10. 2010 05:15

The range is maybe about the same, but for me... it was a lot easier to grind to richelieu
with the paris then with the lyon, u are small, fast and hit hard.. and the xp penalty is
worse on lyon when u finaly get close to richelieu.. And u got 1 more sailor slot on
paris.. i say go paris
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