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Marine Nationale


  • Alsace and Richelieu... Yay or Ne?

    03. 14. 2010 14:37

Having reached the Richelieu I've been sorely dissappointed by the performance of it. It
lacks everything cept aa range.

  • Re : Alsace and Richelieu... Yay or Ne?

    03. 18. 2010 14:55

I chose the upper MN line. I was majorly disappointed in the Strasbourg and leveled
to the Richelieu in the Lorraine. The Normandy was fun but lacked the range needed
to fight well. After your crew gets BVE, of course, the Lorraine is a pretty good ship
and the extra support slot really helps. ( same support as the Richelieu )

The Richelieu is a good boat once you find a setup that works for you.

I AW with it and use the Strasbourg guns. I use BVE Elite gunners for the mains

It's almost a Lion 1 equivalent for the most part.

The AA is just outstanding. I have 2 level 85 BVE 11/12 gunners and the AA Rocks.

Fun Fun

  • Re : Alsace and Richelieu... Yay or Ne?

    03. 18. 2010 01:57

If you want, you can skip both the Stras and Rich, and wait for the Alsace by just using
the Lyon. Even with a crew that is 40 lvls higher than the Lyon, you can regularly get
fantastic xp by soloing and sinking a bb4 or 5 - which, for the Lyon, is not all that
difficult a task if you play the ship well, and get under 30 degrees firing range to
ensure most of your 16 shells hit. I'd average 35k-60k depending on how many BB/CV45 I
sink and planes I down on premium while winning in GB2 games.

For me, its Lyon>Paris>Rich>Stras as for as my favorite MN ships. I have only played 6
games using the Alsace so a judgment can't be given yet.

  • Re : Alsace and Richelieu... Yay or Ne?

    03. 16. 2010 14:12

Hey rub in Bismarck theirs a player in unf az that has 110 French bb5 he's still ahead of mailman lol

  • Re : Alsace and Richelieu... Yay or Ne?

    03. 16. 2010 03:48

Juicy's alsace has been 110 for a long while now, and his spread doesn't look impressive
at all. AA reload speed with the uber range is awesome tho.

  • Re : Alsace and Richelieu... Yay or Ne?

    03. 15. 2010 23:44

im still waiting for the first alsace 110 crew+ thats when the ship will turely shine, the
spread will tighten imensly and all the caps should be hit by this point making it an
excellent ship

  • Re : Alsace and Richelieu... Yay or Ne?

    03. 15. 2010 08:52

The bigger rear gun slots are R-slots, so it's pretty impractical if you want to use them
in combination with the T-slots. Best to leave them empty, or if you really want,put some
trip 6" on them and use them to kill smaller ships to preserve main ammo.

  • Re : Alsace and Richelieu... Yay or Ne?

    03. 15. 2010 08:38

Also, why would you waste the guns on the back of the Richelieu by putting BB guns back
there? Bloody thing as an impressive AA Battery!

  • Re : Alsace and Richelieu... Yay or Ne?

    03. 15. 2010 08:20

"ah but the retreatalieu has rears as well so YOU COULD put paris guns on the fronts and
backs... lol "

Rears only have space enough for a CA gun at most.

  • Re : Alsace and Richelieu... Yay or Ne?

    03. 15. 2010 06:45

ah but the retreatalieu has rears as well so YOU COULD put paris guns on the fronts and
backs... lol

  • Re : Alsace and Richelieu... Yay or Ne?

    03. 15. 2010 05:35

Its not really wise to lvl on Lyon either because Richelieu has 2 front gun setup. So
Strasbourg prepares you for playing like that.
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