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Marine Nationale


  • Why Does Shell Dmg for BB4 less than BB2 and 3?

    03. 14. 2010 23:47

So Has anyone thought about this? I see almost no reason why it would be, yet it is.

  • Re : Why Does Shell Dmg for BB4 less than BB2 and 3?

    03. 15. 2010 13:02

Hmm is that really true?

  • Re : Why Does Shell Dmg for BB4 less than BB2 and 3?

    03. 15. 2010 05:09

I guess the real question is "Why does the 13.5" quads and level 71 duals outrange the
strasbugged and richelieu guns?"

  • Re : Why Does Shell Dmg for BB4 less than BB2 and 3?

    03. 15. 2010 01:36

To be fair, US BBs have the same issue. The shells fired by the 16" Mk 2 and 3 guns
(Colorado, Tenn 45, SoDak) hit ~10% harder at max angle than those of the 16" Mk 7 (Iowa).
And the 16" Mk 6 guns (NoCar) hit substantially harder.

How the ships compare in other factors (eg: speed, range, AA, scouts, turning force) also
matters, and may be sufficient.

  • Re : Why Does Shell Dmg for BB4 less than BB2 and 3?

    03. 15. 2010 00:41

Where are you getting your numbers?

If you're going by the numbers displayed ingame under the gun/ammo stat, don't.
Those have never been accurate and never will be accurate.

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