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Marine Nationale


  • L40 3x55

    03. 28. 2010 21:00


Why does my Suffren and its recommended triple 6"s 55cal deal less damage compared to the
jeanne darc used to do (dual 6"s 50 cal model 1920). Im doing 100 damage belt shots with
it as compared to the 250 damage with the darc's... are these guns really like this?

  • Re : L40 3x55

    03. 29. 2010 08:10

He's wondering why the lvl 40 triple 6.1"/55 guns do less damage per shell than the lvl 28
dual 6.1"/50 guns. They just do. Some gun sets rock, some don't. The level 40 trips don't.

The lvl 44 triples are better, though. Wait for them.

  • Re : L40 3x55

    03. 29. 2010 08:02

Is it just me not really understanding what he is trying to say?
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