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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • I-400 submarine class

    05. 02. 2010 11:58

Just an idea...

the Japanese built these huge submarines classed as I-400... They were massive and they
actually carried planes aboard... capable of going underwater, the surfacing, and
launching planes.

It would be cool to be able to do that here in NF... Imagine if NF made a submarine
(supposedly each nation was working on it, but the IJN was the only nation who actually
built one like this) with aircraft space of say... 650... not big enough to do endless
bombing missions like a true CV... but enough to take out a CA or maybe a BB1/2...

it would add a whole new element to the game!

I got the 650 number based off of actual planes held on the real ships of the IJN
(provided by wikipedia) and the ratio of "aircraft space" given to CV's by nf... i added a
bit to make it a bit useable for maybe 1 or 2 bombing missions...


  • Re : I-400 submarine class

    05. 02. 2010 12:20

Already been suggested countless times ;)

  • Re : I-400 submarine class

    05. 02. 2010 12:14

And based on the way things are going it'll have as many support slots as a super yammy
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