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  • A premium sub I-400 for japan

    06. 29. 2010 03:13

I thought a premium sub like the Jap secret sub I-400 should be a fine premium sub for IJN.
Bout i don't now the other premium sub for the other nations.
I think it's should be nice whit premium sub and so and you pay like 10 bucks for it.
It's as all other premium ships bout this is a sub instead.
What do you guys and girls think about prem sub then?
Good or bad?

  • Re : A premium sub I-400 for japan

    07. 06. 2010 18:32

If you are considering to add the I-400 as a premium sub for Japan, how about giving the
Other Nations premium subs, such as the type XXI for the Germans, the Trench class for the
Americans, Surcouf for the French, but not sure about the British

  • Re : A premium sub I-400 for japan

    07. 03. 2010 02:37

not recced

no prem subs. PERIOD


  • Re : A premium sub I-400 for japan

    07. 03. 2010 00:05

"tomy, bb4-6 deserve to 1 hit us cos they worked their way to around lvl100 unlike the subs
who only need to get to lvl38 to hav invincibility and 6 noob tubes. and king im thinling
about the overall balance of the game not just the grey sticks that go do cheap shots on
everyone. btw we need at least a ss5 for every nation (xcept maybe MN) b4 we can
introduce pss. the eu server dont hav ss4 yet"

(Y'know, I was writing an extremely sarcastic and malevolent post, however, I decided instead I'll attempt to
approach you with a positive attitude. Even with a six-foot pole.)

Hello. Welcome to NavyField. You must have heard about subs from a friend, fleetmate, or homocidal-raging
BB player. I am here to tell you the facts about NF submarines, no bias, no spam.

We can obviously agree that level 1-38 is the same for SS and BB. Same ships, a lot of the time. After 38, the
BB line continues doing what it has done for 38 levels-- Blitz, AA, whatever, keep getting new ships to keep t
interesring until the player begins using their BB. For subs, however, the beginning is much more bleak. The
exp drop is immediately obvious--getting more than 8k exp in an SS1 in GBII is quite a feat, while getting
below it is reason for concern in an AA boat at the same level. Not to mention SS1 is litterally useless, as it
has air to get accross to the line on a good day--a VERY good day, because the enemy line would have to be
half as far away! The torp launchers are pitiful, too. The SS2 at mid-40's is a step-up, capable of getting to
the line some of the time with reasonable speed and firepower. But if your target has bulge, well, guess who
does essentially nothing this game! But hey, you're an SS2, so you're strong against unarmored targets.
Anyone without bulge these days deserves it, anyways. The SS3 is really a nice ship, coming in the mid-60's,
(so you have to use that SS2 a lot, especially considering the still-DD level exp,) and has the air to get to the
line and be able to do something. You also have the firepower to hit anything, but coming accross a BB with
150 bulge will ruin your day, guarenteed. The SS4, coming in the mid-80's, is like an SS3 on steriods. It has
more air, speed, survivability, and in most cases, power.

Wait a minute! I see something. The BB's start at 50-60....hey....the subs really start at mid-late 40's with
SS2! And subs get less exp, so it evens out.

Now then, because I wrote this in a lethargic trance of sleepiness over the past hour, I might have gotten off
topic, and there will probably be spots where my typing.......degraded. So please understand if you come
accross such things.


  • Re : A premium sub I-400 for japan

    07. 02. 2010 23:32


I think you need to get an at level SS1 and go kill 2 BBs for me. Make it a video.

The only problem with sub balancing is when they hit extremely high levels, where they
have 900 SD, 40 knots, and lots of air.

Constructively, we should find a way to balance the subs with the BBs.

1. Relevel the subs, SS4 lvl 104

Got any more ideas?

  • Re : A premium sub I-400 for japan

    07. 02. 2010 22:49

tomy, bb4-6 deserve to 1 hit us cos they worked their way to around lvl100 unlike
the subs
who only need to get to lvl38 to hav invincibility and 6 noob tubes. and king im
about the overall balance of the game not just the grey sticks that go do cheap
shots on
everyone. btw we need at least a ss5 for every nation (xcept maybe MN) b4 we can
introduce pss. the eu server dont hav ss4 yet

  • Re : A premium sub I-400 for japan

    06. 30. 2010 06:29

a T4 IJN sub can 1 shot a bulged out BB5 provided most of the torps hit.

so, no to your question.

"I couldn't drive a BB so I started driving a CV.
My team yelled at me for using locals and bombwhoring, so I quit driving a CV.
I drove a sub up to lvl 120, and ragequit considering I did all that grinding and got no
BB6 or CV6
Now I play a game where I pilot a ship around in 3-D space."

don't be like that person.

  • Re : A premium sub I-400 for japan

    06. 30. 2010 06:11

The I-400 carry 3 bombers.
Other theay carry normal bombs also dive bombs or torpedos.
I want to nerf the subs to.
Bout like you have pcl,pca,pcv and pbb why not pss then?

  • Re : A premium sub I-400 for japan

    06. 29. 2010 13:24

cool story bro.

  • Re : A premium sub I-400 for japan

    06. 29. 2010 12:19

Agrees with Helsman.

Oh, and since the I-400 can only carry 1 T1 TB, and as we all know, IJN TBers are probably the
biggest fail bombers in the whole game anyway. So it will be crappier than HEI no doubt.

  • Re : A premium sub I-400 for japan

    06. 29. 2010 12:14

Nerf all SS tiers below T4 then add this I-400 at the ability of the current t4 sub, just
with a scout plane (i'm assuming thats why you've got a hardon for it?)
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