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  • Is Surrey better than York

    07. 02. 2010 22:44

Is the surrey better than York and if so what are best guns.

  • Re : Is Surrey better than York

    07. 06. 2010 14:39

A blockshotting York is almost unstoppable in the right hands with a good crew in
Blitz and CA/CL games. Surrey is a nerfed County.

  • Re : Is Surrey better than York

    07. 05. 2010 20:01

phht that's easy, its the Eddy. : )

  • Re : Is Surrey better than York

    07. 04. 2010 01:22

Yes, surrey is better than york.

Pile your crew on surrey and run RP10D guns. Go in GB2 and AA like a wild man. You'll
get nearly double the XP from AAing 1 scout then you would for getting 10k gunnery damage.
Sad truth FTW.

  • Re : Is Surrey better than York

    07. 03. 2010 22:36

Thanks. I actually run my york the "correct " way and it works pretty good for me.

  • Re : Is Surrey better than York

    07. 02. 2010 23:10

There are a couple factors here, considering the two ships' ideal setups are towards
different aims.

The York is your quintessential block-shotting god (if you have good enough gunners -
either BVE'd Acc Gunners in their late 50's or BVE'd Reload Gunners in the mid-70's). If
you have a blockshot, then you can completely wipe the map of blitz ships. In GB2's if
you rush well you can land 20 to 30k games pretty easily, and in general the York is just
great fun to play. I'll give you two setups:

Ideal (The one regarded as "correct" by the NF community):
Three Trip 8"L turrets with LHE, a scout, and empty T-slots.

My setup:
Two Trip 8"L turrets (front only), 6 Pompoms on the T-slots, and a scout.

The Surrey is a completely different beast. If you've played the County before, then just
think of it as a slower County. If you haven't played County before, there are two real
setups - close range 6" kills and long range 8" HA. The setups are as follows:

Four Trip 6"L turrets with your choice of ammo (HHE is fine for blitz), empty T-slots, and
as much Belt as you can load on. Your goal with this set-up is to close range ASAP to
where your enemy's shots hit your belt, but aren't close enough to bust right through.
From this range, slam them with 6" shells until they die. Rinse and Repeat.

Four Dual 8"L turrets with LHE, empty T-slots, and a scout. This setup is very
challenging, and requires you to stay at range, shooting your guns at 55-70 degrees. Your
hangtime is tremendous and your spread will suck no matter what you do, but each shell
that does hit will hit like a truck. Always go after a CA or larger with this, because
the smaller ships won't be hit often enough to make this effective against them. Whatever
you do, do not close range - your 8" duals do not do well in low-angle shooting.

Anyways - I hope that helps.

~ Ferrard
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