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  • Navyfield MN Sprite Event

    08. 06. 2010 14:39

Make an event for people to make there own sprites for the "New MN Premium ships", its
better then re-doing old sprites, and, who doesnt like an event? There doesnt really have
to be a prize, aslong as the designer's name is mentioned in the "New Ship" purchase area...


  • Re : Navyfield MN Sprite Event

    08. 06. 2010 16:21

Sure if they provide anyone with the tools to do this sort of thing with out having to
go to a 3rd party site.

  • Re : Navyfield MN Sprite Event

    08. 06. 2010 16:20

Well, TBNF lacks 3D modelers. If you can convince Komicc, then yes, but otherwise, it's
going to look like an Emden or a Moltke in different colors...
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