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  • Elite Acc or Rld Gunners for RN???

    08. 06. 2010 16:44


Don't want to sound like a troll here >.<

But i can't decide should i buy Elite Rld gunners and class em as Acc-Rld ?
or Should I get Elite Acc and class em as rld all the way?

Thx for your time reading and answering this... xD

  • Re : Elite Acc or Rld Gunners for RN???

    09. 07. 2010 01:45

I would go for Elite Acc & class as Rel gunner (BVE).

At low lever, I don't think I can sink ship easily, but with better reload I have better
chance to land ammo on enemy ship to gain more experience. Further more, is not
so hard to grind from lvl 1 to lvl 80++ (I think 1month plus will do).

  • Re : Elite Acc or Rld Gunners for RN???

    09. 07. 2010 01:28

As many people already said, you just have to suffer the terrible spread until 80ish and
you can reach the rld cap much sooner, maybe around 70. Believe me, the way to 80 will
make your mind collapse with that super reload man NICE spread lol

Anyway, since there are so many big BBs out there, you don't have to do much with the
little BB 1-2, so don't worry, my advice is to go AA - yeah this is the best for rld
gunner by using Emerald or County or Surrey with the 5.25 RP. Moreover, this will provide
you much more expert for your crew. When you hit 75, buy the King Goerge V and use the lvl
75 quad 14" N, remember this is the only big gun you can block shot with ease

  • Re : Elite Acc or Rld Gunners for RN???

    09. 07. 2010 01:25

If you bve and want to reach both caps as fast as possible, yes turning them into
Acc gunners does hurt ( a lot).
Make them reload gunners.
11 or 13 base acc for reload gunners shouldn't result in a big increase in extra levels
you have to get to reach the Acc cap.

  • Re : Elite Acc or Rld Gunners for RN???

    09. 06. 2010 19:22

Sorry to revive topic, just bought reload gunners without thinking... Elite reload then
as acc, will this effect me really badly?

  • Re : Elite Acc or Rld Gunners for RN???

    08. 14. 2010 04:41

if you use elite accuracy gunner , and class to acc gunner, you could make your gunner
slim leaving enough true ability to do block shoot

This enable more armor on your POW, or QV.

  • Re : Elite Acc or Rld Gunners for RN???

    08. 10. 2010 01:22

If you can't shoot fast enough because of lag, that same lag will screw up your
aiming even more.
Besides unless your lag is measured in seconds, you're not playing with BB guns,
and if you do play with BB guns and you do have seconds of lag, switch to sub. It's
the only ship you can play reasonably well with such lag.

  • Re : Elite Acc or Rld Gunners for RN???

    08. 09. 2010 23:53

with the lag, i am sorry that i classed my gunners as reload, i seem cant take advantage
of fast reloading due to lag, should have gone accuracy....

  • Re : Elite Acc or Rld Gunners for RN???

    08. 09. 2010 23:20

Where is the video link?

  • Re : Elite Acc or Rld Gunners for RN???

    08. 09. 2010 17:12


Sincerly Junkers

  • Re : Elite Acc or Rld Gunners for RN???

    08. 09. 2010 10:31

do we have a lower cap for ACC then reload? i know what stuff are in important but i
still got no answer why gunner spread is still different.
more tight spread can be improved by vets too...counts for reload too?!

so i guess 90% of all UK players classed the gunners wrong..they went ACC and
seems to be stupid then..mmhh...

Acc cap is reached earlier than reload cap, so in that sense, yes it's lower.
You did in fact get an answer only not the one you wanna hear. Spread is different because
you either use a gun that has random spread or there is a difference in gunner lvl. Most
likely the gun used is not constant 100% of the time though.
At low lvl vets improve spread, once accuracy cap is reached adding vets will not do
anything to improve spread. It can still improve reload at that point though IF rld cap
has not been reached yet. Which for UK ACC gunners is almost a given.

And most players class accuracy because they are either unfamiliar with the caps or
because they want to have good spread at lower levels to play Blitz for example. In the
long run RLD gunners are the better choice but this does mean you will have a tough grind
from lvl 1-75ish.
I'd not call that stupid, but rather ignorance or a trade off.
Stupidity is getting all the needed info handed to you but refusing to do anything with it.
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