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Royal Navy



    09. 01. 2010 03:44

Hi Guys
Just got my UK CV and I love it but now my Torpedo pilots are lvl 55 and I want to
know what to get. I know people say that there tbs are awesome and especially at
higher lvl when they are invulnerbale to Auto AA but I'm not willing to go though that
grind. As well these days lots of CV players are using DBs on on IJN which was a no-
no in guides back in the day. Also im losing a lot of pilots from deatch by Auto AA and
don't know what to do. Your comments are all much appreciated and I know this
question is sort of noob.

Thx Everyone

By: Hyperion117

  • Re : UK TBS OR DBS?

    09. 01. 2010 19:41

"even with km tbs were still more successfull in taking bbs, cvs out....." ROFL!

So he's an ignorant...I WIN ^,^!

Again no arguments...only "TB take out easier" etc....

Damage: DB win
Exp: DB win
Skills: Debateble(unless you know manual dive bombing that actually take more

KINGWAR is blinded by it's own "abilities". The player asking never played TB or DB,
for such a player it is better DB. Stop thinking as if you are gonna be the one playing.
It's not about you, it's about hyperion117. he's new at CV, therefore he needs to
choose the easiest way first.

Just so u know KINGWAR, you are a TB fan and still haven't say WHY TBs are better,
ALL you said is that they are better and END OF STORY. very ingnorant behaviour if
you ask me. TBs do require more atenttion then DB. Auto TB is one of the worst way
to TB, while Auto Dive Bombing is good. Dive bombing has about 5-6 ways to bomb if
not more.( I know about 6 ways and I use them depending on the situation)

With 4 bombs you can kill a burning BB for sure, while TB it's not always sure. They
might have bulge and belt surviving the 3-4 torpedoes while with db you kill it for
sure. If not you can kamikaze your DB planes into the enemy. DB don't need to be
inmune to AAW to kill. I gave so many reasons and not one from kingwar yet. All he
does is say TB are better and call those against his opinion stupid.

Point is, hyperion you can choose w/e you want, you will never go wrong. But
choosing KM TB over KM DB is just.. so sad....LOL

With TB you rely on BB's mistakes and luck, with DB you rely on your abilities to think
who to bomb. I bomb specific targets killing BB5. With TB you have to factor of "I
Don't Know If He Has Bulge & Belt" against you. If your sending the required amout
of FP's you will know exaclly who to bomb in order to 1 shoot it. With TB's that just
not possible at all times.

PS. I don't want your cookies, apparentlly they make you say things without thinking
them trough xD

PS.2 REALY? KM TB's? LOL you made my day ROFL

  • Re : UK TBS OR DBS?

    09. 01. 2010 19:15

If u want to DB, go MN or IJN

  • Re : UK TBS OR DBS?

    09. 01. 2010 18:28

"If your gonna state something, atleast give arguments. I gave arguments on
db's are always superior. I made a 35 page CV guide for my fleet with every
calculations on pilots and planes stats and tests. Got a lot of suprises that no
in NF has."

Iv done my talking on the other thread about this

Want a cookie?

"If you wanna kill little ships with TB's, then yes TB's are better. But TB's take
patience meaning less time controling your fighters meaning less "light" for
fellow BB's. While you are concentrating on killing a pointless BB2, or CA that
even doge your tbs easily and that is easy food for any BB5 on your team, your
are getting ripped apart."

You must be a "hillbilly" if you think it takes that much patience to control tbs, it
takes about the same patience, just a little more skill(lacked by you) is
required(lacked by you) on the tb side.

"I have played US, UK and MN CV in which US and MN you can choose TB or DB
MN as both best TB and best DB and US has both 3th best TB and DB. For UK I
TB's since they are 2nd best TB. One thing I learned is that Dive bombing is
alot more
effective with US and MN."

Again want a cookie? Iv played with ijn, uk, km cvs..... even with km tbs were
still more successfull in taking bbs, cvs out..... again there is a chance that 1 tb
run can kill a bb5+, on the other side dbs can only damage it.

"People only see, ohhh its the best in that category so it's better overal. TB's
are bad
the same reason putting 6.0 of deck on a BB is bad. Situations that you actually
an advantage are far more rare then the amouts of situations you have a

By now iv noticed you were playing on the yamato server.... home of the poor
and rehor

  • Re : UK TBS OR DBS?

    09. 01. 2010 18:05

"Thats a big sign of a crap cv player.."

Thats a big sign of an ignorant...

If your gonna state something, atleast give arguments. I gave arguments on why
db's are always superior. I made a 35 page CV guide for my fleet with every single
calculations on pilots and planes stats and tests. Got a lot of suprises that no guide
in NF has.

Don't state anything unless your not gonna back it up, that just being plain childish
and stupid. Waw!, NF IQ really is low xD. We are like hillbilies here LOL.

If you wanna kill little ships with TB's, then yes TB's are better. But TB's take more
patience meaning less time controling your fighters meaning less "light" for your
fellow BB's. While you are concentrating on killing a pointless BB2, or CA that might
even doge your tbs easily and that is easy food for any BB5 on your team, your fp's
are getting ripped apart.

I have played US, UK and MN CV in which US and MN you can choose TB or DB since
MN as both best TB and best DB and US has both 3th best TB and DB. For UK I did
TB's since they are 2nd best TB. One thing I learned is that Dive bombing is alot more
effective with US and MN.

People only see, ohhh its the best in that category so it's better overal. TB's are bad
the same reason putting 6.0 of deck on a BB is bad. Situations that you actually have
an advantage are far more rare then the amouts of situations you have a

  • Re : UK TBS OR DBS?

    09. 01. 2010 17:08

TBS. Uk has the worst DBs

  • Re : UK TBS OR DBS?

    09. 01. 2010 14:25

"I can go on but DB's are always superior regardles of nation."

Thats a big sign of a crap cv player..

  • Re : UK TBS OR DBS?

    09. 01. 2010 11:58

First think of your likes ... then i think that the disadvantage of TBS are that
everybody carries lots of bulge, but i you are patient and pick well you can have a
nice time with your TBS

  • Re : UK TBS OR DBS?

    09. 01. 2010 10:56

Hey I just went through a similar discussion in another thread so far seems like db's
are not bad at first but tb's really pay out so much more.

  • Re : UK TBS OR DBS?

    09. 01. 2010 09:57

Wel although UK DBs cause the least amouts of damage compared with other nations,
they still pack more of a punch then UK TB's. Everybody has belt cutting torp damage by
half and belt making some torps cause 1 damage. Not to metion you earn less exp
torping then bombing. Not to metion DBing is easier to hit your target with all your
bombs and easier to manage(tb is easier to doge). Only way to make as much damage
with TB as DB is by blokshooting your torps manually wich requires lots of practice and
almost imposible at low levels.

When I play my bb, I'm almost never scared of tb's as they are really easy to doge and
cause so little damage.

I can go on but DB's are always superior regardles of nation.

  • Re : UK TBS OR DBS?

    09. 01. 2010 07:04

My UK TBs became almost fully AAW immune once they hit the T2 planes (lvl 77). That's
really not that far to grind something. And yes, everyone carries a lot of bulge these days,
but if you pick the 'right' targets (SS/CL/CA/BB12, CV123) you can typically score some kills.

I hardly ever see RN CVs carrying that should say something.
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