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Royal Navy


  • UK PBB SD Question

    09. 15. 2010 23:38

hye, recently i got my 1st UK PBB Dunk,
i have read some topic about those Soft Defends, but to be honest i dont get it...
i will state my current PBB setup and i would like some 1 to give me some nice
recommendation for my setup, coz i sunk at at most time in GB2.

BO : lv63 base +14
Gunner: lv63 acc/acc (elite + Bost) 100 vet (dint remember my expert)
lv63 acc/acc (elite + Bost) 98 vet (dint remember my expert)

other (cant remember): engine lv44 got 5 and repair lv44 got 6

p/s: i will update "dint remember" once i can log in.

but for now i would like to know some normal or good setup to try out.

  • Re : UK PBB SD Question

    09. 16. 2010 11:39


The UK cannot level gunners the way the US can. If you go ACC you can only
choose ACC the next time, and the same for RLD. So it is either ACC/ACC or

  • Re : UK PBB SD Question

    09. 16. 2010 10:47

leveling ur gunners acc/acc is a very bad idea

  • Re : UK PBB SD Question

    09. 16. 2010 09:54


Unfortunately, you will not see the Dunk's potential until your crew is in its 80s. The
spread is very bad at level, and it will take a lot of shells to do good damage.

Regarding Soft Defense, briefly - You can find out your SD by looking at your ship's
"Defensive Power" listing. This is found when in the shipyard, on the left side of the
screen, in the blue box where you select your armor settings. For example, if your
"Defensive Power" is 900, you are said to have 900 SD (the current maximum).

Soft Defense can be said to absorb damage without reducing your DP immediately. If you
take 1,000 dmg and you have 900SD, your ship will lose 100DP immediately, and "burn"
for an additional 900DP. However, during this "burning", your repairers will work,
lessening the amount of DP you ultimately lose.

With that covered, your support crew is really holding you back. Generally, support sailors
don't really start to contribute until the lvl 50s. Then, they start to help significantly at lvl

At lvl 44, your engineers are probably SLOWING your ship down because of their weight
being more than their contributed ENGINE ability. The solution? Use a ship +/- 10 lvls
away from your sailors. In this case, a lvl 44 engineer should be being leveled on a PCA
Furious (lvl 48), a county (lvl 43), or a Revenge (lvl 56). I would probably recommend the
Revenge since you can do BB damage while still getting 82% of your experience. 82% of a
higher number will probably be more than 100% of lower experience gain. Plus, in GB2
you receive exp based on your ship's level (higher level ships gets more of the share of
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