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  • repair versus engine

    10. 12. 2010 06:46

which is more reliable in KM ships.

they say that engine is the heavy one compare the repair. others say that repair should
be get rather that engine.

lets give a brief distinction about the noble repairs and engones :)

correct me if i'm wrong :)

  • Re : repair versus engine

    10. 16. 2010 16:09

Note that by "weak" we are talking about their ship fragility. They take damage easier
than most. Its easier to oneshot an H44 than a monty or an L2 for exemple.

SD and rep has NOTHING to do with that, as all ships hit 900 SD sooner or later, and rep
rate doesnt change the fact a crippling salvo remains a crippling salvo.

  • Re : repair versus engine

    10. 15. 2010 17:11

KM BB line if your not liking you rep line try and find a +12 engy +11+ Rep and 10or
around 10 restorer stat on the km engy, it not only gives you the speed but really
helps in a rep. Let alone you get 900 SD fast that way too, great rep stats on an
engy can get you almost 900 sd by bissy or O Pro. The people that say KM is weak
dont think about the ways to fix the problems such as this.

  • Re : repair versus engine

    10. 13. 2010 16:58

seeing as CV are balanced independently from BBs (hence some of the fail split that
happens every once in a while) I fail to see your point with AA messing with cv balance.

KM AA is awesome and can be a fabulous tactical advantage, no matter if you use it to
create blinding opportunity or rape down entire squad of bombers.

Trading it off for a rep and engy that would priviledge a more UK-style playing with a
shipline that is recognized for its inability to take much damage.

Doesnt work that well me says.

  • Re : repair versus engine

    10. 13. 2010 07:10

thanks for this, much appreciated :)

  • Re : repair versus engine

    10. 13. 2010 05:12

The feeling of KM players are all correct, repairing break your heart.
However, any combination of amount of engineer won't even work, until THE END

  • Re : repair versus engine

    10. 13. 2010 04:56

for KM Ultimately, its like:

CA / PS : 1E 4R, you simpily can't fight without repairer
BB1 : 1E 0R ,Speed cap drop if 1R exist
BB2 : 1E 2R ,Speed cap drop if more than 2R
BB3 : 1-2E 5R (O pro2 - bsm) quite hard but without that amount of repair, you either
or die way too fast when you tell your fleet leader you are good in KM BB3!
When you get the best ranged BB3, I suppose you push slowly, not to rushed in and try to
run back. I suppose you are reliable to hit any incoming BB.
If you don't cap repairing, once you get hurt, next time you join fighting would be 10 min
BB4 : 2E 5R, or 6E for speed whore
BB5 : 5E 4R ( I use 6E 2R + seaman, in my experience, a bit better repairing allow me to
put harder, letting me to turn off OH more, hence, lesser OH required. not to considering
5E 4R is easier to level up.)

however, if you decide to continue playing, and you level the second pack of sailor, it
would become pointless from here. you would become monster after.

BB6 : 5E 5R ( I use 6E 4R) if you don't have enough repairer, you die in HA..........
if you don't have enough Engineer, you die in fleet war..............................
I regret that i don't have 5R, i've got 4x elite repairer with 200 vet and up, it perform
the same like 3 repairer.

yes i personally have 6 engine, 4 repair,1 restore, 2 AA, 2 gunner, 1 scout, 2 seaman, 3
BO......... wth?......

yes, my writing is agaisnt all people's comment, even me suggest that u need more engine.
that the sad fact~

level up for first time, more engine, when you reach H44, and if you are still insane in
KM line, then go with repairer.

For AA, it is not recommented
AA let you gain expert easier, and if you can endure till the end of the world, you will
get some monster sailor as reward. But the trade off..... AA on Km ship would turn the CV
imbalance, this make you lose most of the game. let say, if u need 50-80 game until next
"high" level, you will need 200-300... like a 4x slower, even with premium.
and at the end, you won't have money to buy every next ship. when you are small bb, you
either can't run fast, repair fast, or AA good, at larger ship, you become food! For me, i
play with AA mostly too, I adapted! Use AA, turns sailor monster and youselves monster.

  • Re : repair versus engine

    10. 12. 2010 22:48

I just set up my KM BB crew, find below my quote & personal opinion:

-5 Engs with +11Eng/11Repair/11 or 10 in Restore (boost all if possible)
KM crew advantage is +2 in Eng ability, if you use above based crew you will get
Engineer +13 (11+2) Eng/ 11 Rep/ 11@10 Res. I believe Eng cap is easier to hit
compare to other nation.
-3 Elite Rep or +12Rep/10 Res and boost, if you go through NF nation promotion
chart, you will find out that KM got the worst Repairer promotion amongst all the

  • Re : repair versus engine

    10. 12. 2010 20:28

I think its mainly a matter of preference.

Even with 100-150 vets, I prefer using 5 engies 3 rep, even if I know my rep rate wont be
that impressive. I much prefer having 25% more OH time than extra rep rate.

3 rep do give decent repair rate. Sure you are far from the cap, but I think its perfectly
playable still.

Splid's suggestion is going with a balanced point of view, if you aint sure about what
your playstyle need, its prolly your best bet.

Just keep in mind : minimum 4 engies, minimum 3 reps.

  • Re : repair versus engine

    10. 12. 2010 08:58

By Kaiser you will want to run 4 repairers and 4 engineers.

If you intend to supervet your crew to 250+ vets, then you can get away with 3 reps
and 5 engys but 4 rep/4 engy is the best way to go for Kaiser.

BB1-1R 3E
BB2-2R 3E
BB3-2R 3E
BB4-2R 4E
BB5-3R 4E
BB6-4R 4E

That is roughly what you want to run while roatating your crew.
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