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U.S Navy


  • BB Rant...WTF am I doing wrong?

    12. 04. 2010 19:55

First, let me preface this post by saying that I love this game. I've always been a
fan of old naval battles, and having a game like this is truly awesome.

That aside, when I was leveling my first crew (US), I was so excited to get into a
battleship that I could hardly stand it. Once I did, I found that the best thing about
it is hearing my guns go BA-BOOM! I was originally on the AK line, and with my at-
level crew, my spread was so horrible (even with all experts and 100 vets on my
gunners) that I couldn't hit a damn thing. In blitz games, I was nothing but a big
target. In GB games, I'd be 1-2 shotted from god knows where every game. I know
the main role of the AK should be AA support, but due to me being a moron with my
AA gunners I got when I started (changed them to 2nd AA first chance I got), I have
no useable AA gunners. Then there is the XP. When I was in my Baltimore, I was
earning 15k+ XP in blitz games per win. In my AK, win or lose, no matter how much
damage I did or how many ships I sank, I never broke 8k. I tried switching back to
the Baltimore, and although my spread was amazing, I never got as much XP as I
did before I got my AK. I got 2 ship tree resets from the Thanksgiving event, and
thought that I'd try switching things up a little. I reset my ship tree and went with
the Nevada. At least I could switch back if I hated it. I like the range on the Nevada
a lot better than the Alaska, but I still have all of the same problems. Horrible
spread (although not AS bad), crap for XP win or lose regardless of how much
damage I do, I still get creamed in GB games before I can even see who's shooting
at me, and to top it off, the NV is ungodly slow. I only have one 1st Engineer, and
my max speed is a whopping 32 knots on OH. I'm raising a second Engineer and a
pair of reload gunners for my AA, but they have so long to go before they're useful
that I wonder if it's even worth it. I tried putting some armor on it, and have 4" of
deck armor, which apparently does absolutely nothing but slow me down even
more. Getting such crappy XP and creds in game, I don't have money to buy
another engineer or any AA gunners, much less decent ones. I guess my main
question is this: WTF is a BB1 good for except giving everyone ELSE XP? I've read
guides and tried to figure out how to switch up my game to do better, but nothing
works. The highlight of my time in a BB is scoring 15k damage on a SoDak before I
was pulverized by shots that I don't even know where they came from. How can I
make this fun and start gaining XP again?

  • Re : BB Rant...WTF am I doing wrong?

    12. 05. 2010 17:48

are your gunners boosted?
are you using the right fcs?

if you're equipping everything right, with bve gunners, spread shouldnt be horrible.

stop insulting the bb1s. they are awesome once you get to higher levels. i miss my 168k
gb game in a guam

  • Re : BB Rant...WTF am I doing wrong?

    12. 05. 2010 17:28

Hey mate, enjoyed the rant.

Takes me back to the disgusting months I spent grinding Alaska to Guam and
onwards with a totally bogus crew.

Everything that you have had a whinge about is well explained in the guides... the
need for two BO's, hard work on the support crews, things to stop you going insane
in a BB1... its all there.

Some pearls from my black grind (and yes I was king of the world in my block
shotting Baltimore in Blitz).... get a Sevas as soon as you can, you can finally start
catching up on a propper support crew. Dont worry what the purists say. Enjoy the
day you get a Colorado (if you can hang out that long).

When did I feel as though some of my mojo came back.... well, for me it was Iowa.
One sleek boat, and my naff support crew is finally pushing the boat at a decent

Have fun.

  • Re : BB Rant...WTF am I doing wrong?

    12. 05. 2010 12:15

The concept is this. BB means big boy. and Big Boys should be getting high attacks against
other BBs even though your crew is lacking, and this is the way the game defines exp. BB
exp isn't shared, it's more based on how well you did.

It's a problem everyone runs into in their first BB. It sucks, but it's called a grind.
Just be glad the game doesn't give out negative exp anymore.

  • Re : BB Rant...WTF am I doing wrong?

    12. 05. 2010 12:05

Well, Blitz isn't an option for me anymore since I capped last night, but they actually
*penalize* you for only wanting to play a BB? What I don't understand is this:

Take the Bogue for instance. Five sailor slots total (minus BO), all support slots.
How do I effectively get 5 sailors to lv 50 to use on it? The BO isn't much of an issue
since all he does is drive the boat, and the repairer/eng shouldn't be too much of an
issue either, but what about the pilots? Once you class them as Special Forces,
they're pretty much worthless as anything else (gunners, repairers, etc...), and
there's a pretty big gap in between when you class them and when you actuall get
a CV. Do I just level the BO with a normal crew and level the pilots seperately 1 at a
time in extra support slots as scouts? Also, I don't see how having a CV gets me
more exp for my BB crew. I'd still have to level all of my BB sailors normally, which
could take forever with the penalty.

  • Re : BB Rant...WTF am I doing wrong?

    12. 05. 2010 11:18

Your other issue on Exp and Credits is caused by a change by NF of the BB reward
system. While You get more credits/exp when u attack a bigger BB, and unlike Blitz,
u get fewer credits/exp when u attack Blitz food, you also are penalized as you get
bigger - on credits/exp - (so as not to reach BB6 level without using a CV). NF
rewards CV use in both Credits/Exp, usually 3-5 times more than BB. That incentive
supplies the CVs in GB and GB2. In fact it could take u months/years to get a BB6
using just BBs. So while you are thinking about engrs and reps, you should start
pilots and a CV BO as well.

  • Re : BB Rant...WTF am I doing wrong?

    12. 04. 2010 20:25

switch your main gunners to your AA slots, use the regular guns with the 1.xx reload
speed for AA. OR do this with a pensacola until you hit colorado or sevastopol

  • Re : BB Rant...WTF am I doing wrong?

    12. 04. 2010 20:07

You can AW a Guam pretty effectively. 8" or more works pretty nicely. don't expect to be
bouncing BB5s, but you should be able to bounce some higher tier BBs. At least that's
my experience. Where you are now though, you'll need a lot more engineers and a lot
more repairers. There is a BB guide. You just need a lot of patience, but the reward is
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