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  • Perpetual surprise XP boosts/Item drops!!!

    01. 03. 2011 13:37

Just as with most events, the instant they end the number of online players
plummets. My suggestion is for their to be more "bonus'" sporatically, maybe even
randomly, so as to help keep the number of players on at any given time higher.

Instead of having an entire weekend event of Xp boost/Item drop, Xp/Item drops
could be for 2-4 hrs multiple times randomly, and perhaps unannounced, throughout
the month.
Or maybe the "coffee card" system could be applied where you get double xp or an
xp bonus for "X" amount of games in a row or maybe even for wins in a row, this
would surely make for better gameplay and reduce in-battle retreating. Game
crashes would get in the way? Don't they already?

Not knowing when a bonus WILL happen is better than knowing that a bonus WONT

I dont know how technically possible this is, to have boosts be determined on an
individual basis, but it shouldnt be too far off since wins can be counted for events.

Thoughts/additional Ideas/forseen problems?
Dont forget to Rec!


  • Re : Perpetual surprise XP boosts/Item drops!!!

    02. 18. 2011 01:10

I like my idea.

  • Re : Perpetual surprise XP boosts/Item drops!!!

    01. 24. 2011 08:08

i like your idea

  • Re : Perpetual surprise XP boosts/Item drops!!!

    01. 24. 2011 07:19

I love the idea :D +1 rec

  • Re : Perpetual surprise XP boosts/Item drops!!!

    01. 23. 2011 08:17

until they fix the crashes and bugs and merge the servers, this is the best thing they
could probably do...

U get my reccomendation

  • Re : Perpetual surprise XP boosts/Item drops!!!

    01. 23. 2011 07:50

oh yeah!!! a very brilliant idea...hope this would be accepted..

  • Re : Perpetual surprise XP boosts/Item drops!!!

    01. 23. 2011 01:10

NOTE to Adding content: this would require playtesting and time. After its
release, it would require addressing issues of new content in a timely manner.

Also, fixing the things that are currently "broken". These are topics that are
already (for the most part) under constant debate and seem (again, for the
most part) already on the block and being addressed (also being debated).

Of these things that I personally think should be looked at are:

Sailors. Medics, Seamen and Restorers.

I would also like to say, I am more than happy with this game. Why else
would I be here? I can play for free. I can pay(support the game and people
working on it), when and IF I want. I have had zero trouble with NF/SDE staff in
game or on the forums. The few supprt tickets I've sent where answered as
well or better then I expected. Thank you to all the people that work hard to
mod, maintain and improve the game. It has got to be hard trying to please
everyone and keep some sort of balance. They have added a whole nation of
ships to play (MN), enhanced CV/aircraft control and added Event ships just in
the 10 months or so that I have played. Thats really good, especially when
compared to games that have much larger player bases/markets.

Thank you.

  • Re : Perpetual surprise XP boosts/Item drops!!!

    01. 23. 2011 00:53

I would have to agree with Sindher and say, bribes should not be required to
get people to play. If something is given away, it should be gifts to reward the
people that are playing. Which we get in the events.

Giving away the game is not a solution to the problem. The idea of the
Online game is to provide entertainment that people enjoy enough to give the
DEVELOPER (and all the other people involved) money. Its already awesome
that I can play for free and spend money when I want to boost and buff my

I think, if you want more people to play, you need to add more content.
Nation choices (which we are getting), a wide array of ships (which we have),
and different ways to play them (there are a few but their should be ALOT
more). The larger map suggestion that is on the forums is a good idea to
start, but more solo game options wouldn't hurt. But for fear that this might
hurt the group play a little, should not be implimented at this time. How about
a convey game where one team defends the convey and the other attacks it?
Maybe a room similar in concept to HA, where one team defends an island and
the other team tries to take control? Maybe a Axis vs Allies room... Just a few

Giving players boosts is good in theory, however things are best enjoyed when
earned and worked hard for. Besides, how many other entertainment services
are free to use? There are alot, but many more require some sort of
purchase. I play a Fantasy MMO has no monthly fees, but the game itself is a
required purchase along with MOST of extra content, namely expansions. NF is
going to incorperate this (I beleive) with the Soviet Navy and the future Italian
Navy. Which is a good idea. They are here to make some money. Add if they
are getting rich off of us, its because our need to compete. They are not
twisting our arms.

One thing we have to consider and accept is this game style is not for
everyone. WW2 Navy ships. Thats a narrower market then Fantasy games or
FPS. In NavyFields current form we have (basically) four rooms that get used
with frequency. Blitz, GB (GB2 and sometimes GB1), Trade rooms and Clan
rooms. Only three of these provide game play in the traditional since. Of
these, only two are typically available for ALL to play, as clan rooms are mostly
used for recruiting, clan events and other oddities. Blitz and GBs in the basic
forms are the same thing: a room that is randomly split into two teams which
attack one another until one of the teams is destoyed The differences are:
Ships allowed in the room and possibly a CV flagship that can targeted to
enhance the odds of winning a battle room (GB2). While I happily play with
only these options, I crave more diversity. Offer people more and advertise.
That is how NF numbers will improve. Works with everything else in the world,
like Superstores (Wallyworld), games (holy WOW!), cars (the Japanese have
mastered this craft, *hats off*) and on and on and on.

My appologies for dragging this out. I just wanted to try and explain my


  • Re : Perpetual surprise XP boosts/Item drops!!!

    01. 22. 2011 22:23


  • Re : Perpetual surprise XP boosts/Item drops!!!

    01. 14. 2011 19:42


  • Re : Perpetual surprise XP boosts/Item drops!!!

    01. 14. 2011 19:18

good idea team N.F. please take this to the real thing it would up people coming back
to the game more its is tough enough to get a good battle going with not enpough cv
players lastly can you make something to remove th bo and drop him to maybe a gunner or
other class
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