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  • Single Player version of navy field

    01. 04. 2011 23:14

This idea i have had for awhile now and i thought i'd get this into the open.

The idea is for a single player version of navy field (not like missions or nothing) but
a stand alone version of NF. Here is something i made a few minutes ago. Its a guick
one any changes that need to be done let me know thx.

So here it is:

Navy field single player Run down.

What is NF single player?
The NF single player is a add on for NF, this add-on well allow the player of NF to
play NF without having to go online but it will have limitations.

The limitations.

The player can trasfer data from thier accounts on the server(s) to the single player
version BUT CAN NOT transfer it back in anyway. So making sure that no-one can
cheat their in the online version of NF.

Little extras.

1. Items.
The items that most be brought from the NF site can be brought in the single player
version (NOT the online version) for credits. So allowing the player to have more fun
in the Single version of NF. They can also get their item data from they're accounts
(will need user names and both passwords {log in and second password})

2. Credits and Points
A small exchange system that allows the player to change creds to points and points
to credits. This may be added to the online version.

3. Battles
The player can setup a battle for them to do. They can do the following things for a

i.The player can set what ship class that will be in the battle and how
many. The computer will random what types of ships. E.g. if the player selects 4
destroyers for the battle, the computer will select which type of destroyer
(fletcher, o type, etc.). The player can also set the max and min lvl of each
class.E.g. the player can set to have destroyers between lvl 12 to lvl 30,
then the computer will select form that range.

ii. The player can set the type of battle (GB2, etc.), how many ships in
battle (the computer will add ships into the battle to fill it up). And the player can
set the difficulty of each class OR the whole battle or the player can set
the difficulty to auto, which will use the players stats to set the difficulty.

iii. The player can also make his/her own fleet which is made up of ships
under AI control (just like the fleet system in the online version), so they can HA the
harbours in the single version (the computer will make 4 other fleets to compete
with the player for harbour control, this will use the auto difficulty settings). The
player can name each fleet and sqd like in the online version, create a logo, etc.

iV. The player can also enter training mission as well.

4. updates
The single player version will update when the Updater is opened up in the same
way as the online version, but will ask the player if he/she would like to update the
single player version.

5. Events
The single player version will use the events from the server by using the data from
the players account (they will need to use thier user name and passowrd when they
want to do so {for saftey for the server and players}) OR they can make they're
own events but will cost them a few creds (so they don't always have a event), they
can set how long it goes for, when, how the event will work (random item drop, etc.)
and what items to drop or give.

6. xp, cred, point, expert and vet gain
If the gai lvl is a bit low in the single player version the game will gain any updates
for it from the server (on startup {updater}) or the player can set it them selfs
(there will be a time limit between changes {say 1 week per change}). But it can
only be changed a little bit at a time (like 50% to 51% BUT NOT 50% to 500%).

More will come to mind later.

The Single player version WILL NOT TOUCH the players online account in anyway
(expect for updates or transfers etc.). To minimise the amount of mermory to add
the single player version it will use the system files from the online version, but will
have a second folder to store the EXE files and other custom files (events, player

I hope this will be accepted, it would be nice add-on for NF.

  • Re : Single Player version of navy field

    01. 06. 2011 01:38

Sure recom.

  • Re : Single Player version of navy field

    01. 05. 2011 22:41

Sounds interesting; however, it might contradict NF's goal of having as many online
players as possible. If ppl left the online game for a single player game than the
online experience would not be nearly as exciting.

  • Re : Single Player version of navy field

    01. 05. 2011 17:38

So the cred, point, xp and that rates should remain at the normal lvl in the single
version of it, thx for that. The items for the single version will use the 1million cred =
$1 for it AND it will have little notes saying that the things in the single player
version well be different from the online version, so people will not think the online
version will be the same as the single version.

I think the GMs should see this post

  • Re : Single Player version of navy field

    01. 05. 2011 15:06


  • Re : Single Player version of navy field

    01. 05. 2011 13:27

I Do believe this would make NF also a great game for people who don't like to start
from 0 in the online version, So they can enjoy NF on there own,

Get the ships, and test them on the offline version,

BUT, I think if you do that, that there has to be a higher Cred Rate on every battle,
If you do it like on the Online Version, you can't buy new ships that fast, or buy the
prem stuff with creds in the Offline Version,

But the idea is great,

Recommend +1

Iowa Server

  • Re : Single Player version of navy field

    01. 05. 2011 12:00

Ye good idea tho.


  • Re : Single Player version of navy field

    01. 05. 2011 02:07

I like the idea m8 and give my recommendation.
But I have to tell you: This add-on will never come. Or do you know any online game where
a single player mode was added?
There is no money gain for the developing company. And I don't know if I would pay money
for this single player add-on if I can play with other ppl online for free. :)
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