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U.S Navy


  • Sevas or Colorado?

    01. 10. 2011 17:53

Im in the colorado atm, lvl 74. I heard the Sevas has more range and is a better
ship.. So would it be a good idea to sell the colorado and ride sevas to sodak or
even iowa?

  • Re : Sevas or Colorado?

    01. 11. 2011 14:43

basically, if you do something stupid in colol, someone quickly corrects you by showing
you how much it was stupid and you have the rest of the game to ponder about it while you
watch from the sea-bottom.

With sevas chance are you'll get out of it and then be a crappy iowa since you have 30
levels of missed lesson behind you.

Thats like skipping school for 3 months and going only to the revision and exams.

  • Re : Sevas or Colorado?

    01. 11. 2011 13:20

For anyone whose done enough grinding, can see the value of having an extra support slot
for 28 additional levels.

As for playing, I'd say at/near level seva is going to be better. At higher levels I feel
the difference between the two narrows.

  • Re : Sevas or Colorado?

    01. 11. 2011 07:02

premiun ships simply take more damage then normal ships and this is why there so
much better. As someone said before if u play normal ships u learn the game more
but the grind is tougher for sure.

  • Re : Sevas or Colorado?

    01. 11. 2011 06:54

No doubt I heard the sevas is easier to use but how is that ?

  • Re : Sevas or Colorado?

    01. 10. 2011 23:28

Sevastopol range == Colorado range (Unless you're running minimonty)

The Sevastopol is easier to use and can carry an extra support, but there are skill
benefits to playing on hard mode.

  • Re : Sevas or Colorado?

    01. 10. 2011 18:31

no you're fine and i would love to be where you're at. I was at 62,when i gave up on
the guam and bought the seva. You're only 1 level away from SoDak which is at the
least on par with seva. Not to menton you'll learn a lot more and won't have to pay
$7. Stay with SoDak
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