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U.S Navy


  • Engines L vs H

    01. 21. 2011 12:21

With the goal of having the most possible top speed, what is better the DD Heavy or the DD
Light. The hull to be considered is the Fletcher class. As a follow up, is the increased
reliability of a light engine worth the potential loss of speed?

  • Re : Engines L vs H

    01. 21. 2011 16:26

Thanks guys! So now, while I have you hear, it appears to be a common theme that armor is
useless. Everyone says that it makes your ship too slow, can't withstand more than one hit
and so on. Has anyone had any success with armor? How much speed gets lost, and it that
loss signifgent?

  • Re : Engines L vs H

    01. 21. 2011 15:12

Overall ship weights are high enough compared with engine weights, that the lighter
engine's advantages are lost. There are several other sources of weight (eg: guns, crew,
armor in some cases) that are vastly larger.

  • Re : Engines L vs H

    01. 21. 2011 15:07

yes, heavy engine will always give you a faster speed

  • Re : Engines L vs H

    01. 21. 2011 13:46

Thanks! So, the extra weight of the engine is more than compensated by the increase in HP?

  • Re : Engines L vs H

    01. 21. 2011 13:29

The heavy engine is best for most all cases. Always go with the engine that gives the most
HP/OH ratio. There are some cases where this isnt true but you will not run into that for
a long time.
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