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Tip and Tactics


  • Inter-server trading

    01. 23. 2011 18:22

Sometimes when people are trying to trade something no one is there to trade with
them. It goes the same for the trade system. Say you are trying to find a level 80 US
Fighter, but cannot find one. Other players and I have the same problems over and
over again.

So... why can we trade sailors and ships with other servers like connect the trade
system to other servers so that people can buy or sell what ever, when ever.
Edit- OOPS I accidentaly put this in tips and tactics, sorry ment to put it in |
suggestions. ________________________________________________|

  • Re : Inter-server trading

    01. 23. 2011 18:28

theoretically this would work, but not every server's economy is the same. For example,
look at the prices on bismarck, then on nelson
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