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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Fighters on Bizzie Server.

    01. 25. 2011 17:04

Hi there I would like some feedback on avg fighter capability on Bismarck since I'm
planning to power lvl my fighters to T4 on aa/ship of the line platforms. My question is this,
would my fresh lvl 100 fighters meet stiff opposition on the Bismarck server right out the
box or would they assert some sort of air dominance upon other cvs say 6 times out 10?
They are ebve and I plan to push them to 150 vets next event.

Your Feedback is more than appreciated.

  • Re : Fighters on Bizzie Server.

    01. 26. 2011 01:46

Being an AA player and KM for that matter, I'll say the odds of good CV drivers are

Sometimes I get to eat idiots who don't know squat to change angles and leave their
planes in the open. Other times I get to see those who are skilled (or at least try) in so
far as doing 'the wave flight manuever' and manual 'carpet' dive bomber. While I hate
them, I appreciate their skill, especially those who actually take me more seriously than
even the BBs I escort with. That alone, should hint you what kind of opposition you face

There are however, increasing rates of bomberwhores as of late so being fighter whore
might actually put you on the edge. I'll give you a heads up though; watchout for US
CVs of at least an Essex level with fighters.

  • Re : Fighters on Bizzie Server.

    01. 25. 2011 23:03


The Japanese T4's seem fun to micro manage.

  • Re : Fighters on Bizzie Server.

    01. 25. 2011 22:36

If you want to win games as well as having Fun then i suggest you train a DBW crew
because oneshotting BB3s and occasionally BB4s (and BB5s if you use 2 groups) is
much more fun than spamming fighters and have them drive circles around eachother.
However DONT be a TBW as they almost universally fail.

Also IJN fighters are supposedly quite bad while ijn DBs are the 2nd best

  • Re : Fighters on Bizzie Server.

    01. 25. 2011 17:18

As with just about any ship in this game, skill will be the key to being sucessful. I've
seen plenty of people play with 20-30 level lower pilots and still be extremely sucessful.
In terms of shooting down planes may not get as many as the higher levels, but in terms
of winning games.
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