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  • Need to generate some credits.... what is best nation to cv with?

    02. 05. 2011 15:12

I was thinking of going the CV route. i've never really done CV but I do recon with scouts
with my BB's.

If I wanted to do CV for the main purpose of credit gain, which nation works best?

I currently have a BB4/5 KM Crew and CA level UK Crew, both BB based so I'd prefer to keep
cv crews with my current nations, but if JAP or US CV are superior for credit generation then
I can go that way.

Any suggestions or I guess Tips and Tactics are greatly appreciated.

  • Re : Need to generate some credits.... what is best nation to cv with?

    02. 05. 2011 20:57

Everything said above is incorrect. USN>MN>KM>IJN>UK for fighters. Anyway CVs dont make
the credits they used to. Gone are the 200k+ credit games thanks to GB2. Not to mention
CVs are expensive. The return is not quick at all. Your best bet would be to roll good
neutral sailors and sell them.

  • Re : Need to generate some credits.... what is best nation to cv with?

    02. 05. 2011 18:47

UK spams buttloads of middle end fighters.

US T4s are the second best in the game.

IJN is like the CIS from star wars, HUGE amounts of crappy fighters.

KM has the best T4 fighter in the game.

MN their fighters are not as bad as they sound, with +12 or elite fps and a elite or +12
seaman, you have yourself a great fp CV. (The mn also has the most BEAST DB in the
game!!! :D

The SN has very fast and agile fighers, but they dont have very good firepower, BUT
they DO have good bombers like france (not as good though)
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