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  • Get rid of Pom-Poms

    03. 01. 2011 09:48

So this lag has recently taken a turn for the worse as alot of the community can
agree. Half the games are pretty much played in "screenshot" 1 fps mode. Not to
mention, when there's a bunch of AA flak in the air, forget it.

But to make things worse, every stupid ship in the game decides they want an
escort, and not just any escort, the UK Emerald with Pom-Poms. Once those escorts
start firing, they don't stop, and everyone within a screen away from him freezes for
30 seconds until he stops firing. In which case of course the enemy team will have
already shot you down, and you're ship auto-quits.

I mean, atleast temporarily til somebody DOES something about the lag and doesnt
give you the "reinstall, check your ram" crap.

  • Re : Get rid of Pom-Poms

    03. 01. 2011 09:53

I use pom poms, and I don't lag. I used to have a old computer that as bad and
barely made the requirements to play NF. Big rooms lagged me and the flak
explosion from normal AA guns lagged me to hell with frozen screens of over 10

So how about getting a better computer? I have, and I don't lag anymore due to
fighters or AA.
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