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Soviet Navy


  • SN ss4

    03. 16. 2011 14:04


got SN ss4 today:

I hit speed cap OH 40knots with ebve engies just under the ship lvl
nice air time (apparently its about the sae as IJN though havent tested yet)
low damage torps but they are very quick moving, so have only had a couple of duds

EDIT: good dive time, seems more of an ASW than anythng else... not too good vs
bb's ive found...

EDIT 2: did a test comparing sn ss4 to ijn ss4... same dive time, basically the same
torp range, maybe a few pixels in it for long range, ijn has slightly longer range on
short range, but again by a few pixels, but seems more fragile to other subs at least
at this stage... Thank you to Sparky66 for his help :)

  • Re : SN ss4

    03. 16. 2011 14:26

Image fixed.

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